Astute Truth Tellers.
Why are we not listening to those who see the great harm that could have been avoided?
There are many astute researchers with the credentials that qualify them as being experts in their field. They understand the Covid crisis was mismanged from the beginning and we need to stop going down this medical path. The following video is a symbol of freedom and needs to be embraced by everyone if we are to survive what is transpiring in the medical arena which has the goal of improving on God’s design of humans with out any concern of the great harm that has been done and will be done and will move humanity closer to extinction.
I love the following video: It was sent to me by Dr. Paul Alexander who was kicked out of the Covid crisis team because he was raising questions about the decision making process for managing the Covid. Tick Tok has deleted the video. More censorship is still going on. I feel his anger with each revelation he sends to his readers.
This is my comment on the video:
Beautiful! Eagles were going extinct until we learned the root causes. Humans will be going extinct if we don’t stop going down the wrong road in medicine with the medicine man believing he can improve on gods design!
The following is from Dr. Malone, the astute scientist who discovered how to trick the immune system with mRNA injections. He now see the light and understands we are going down the wrong path. He also has been ostracized because he is telling the truth!
The monkey pox crisis was and is a government biowarfare exercise that has been implemented:
MonkeyPox FearPorn Update - by Robert W Malone MD, MS (
(Not so) "Safe and Effective" - by Robert W Malone MD, MS (
Finally, the stats keep coming in, announcing the great harm being done by the mRNA injections which reprogram cellular function, like what is done by a virus entering a cell and causing cancer. They have now identified over 72 different kinds of lymphoma and they believe more than half are caused by a virus. A strong immune system is our best defense and that is not what we focus on in medicine.
Finally, this is from “the smart guy” who is an excellent researcher and is reporting on the deaths being created by the mRNA injections and are climbing in United Kingdom as more and more people get the boosters. Each subsequent injection just biodegrades the immune system ability to prevent adverse events including death.
The Culling - 2nd Smartest Guy in the World (
Is there anyone that reads this article believe that the CDC/WHO and etc did the right thing by shutting down the world?
My thoughs for the day!
Thomas A Braun RPh
Yep, great doctors and researchers all. It's getting so bad they won't be able to hide it much longer. There are some countries not under the stranglehold and they are reporting true numbers. Let's pray that continues!