The following you will find very disturbing. The creation of nano particles that identify you in various ways is shocking. Especially since you do not know if you are carrying them and no permission is required to inject them into your body.
The following is a video from a lecture in 2017, talking about how to control and target humans in sci fi war games. This is not science fiction, but the work of military minded individuals being paid to create these harmful scenarios to conquer and control.
If you reject this, stop and think about the report that the Chinese Ballon over Hawaii was shooting a green laser.
Think about the fact that US State Deaprtment emploees in Havanna, Cuba experienced severe headaches and had to be hospitilized. Beaming deadly microwaves at them was the cause, but they could not identify the source.
Intel has programmed drones to swarm in large groups and not crash into each other. They can be programmed to attack the enemy. More sci fi that is reality. We also have small bugs with cameras that fly and are controled. It goes on and on.
Ask you self why the CDC/FDA continue to support these injections that are now programmed to be used to inject our children on a annual basis, when the grat harm they are doing keeps getting documented and ignored.
We have lost are way and our freedoms are being taken away from us without our knowledge or consent.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
PS: The Breggins wrote a book called: We Are the Prey. God help us stop this crime against humanity.