Big Pharma's SSRI's
Why is there no discussion about psychotropic drugs role in violence against humans?
Big Pharma spends about 6 Billion dollars a year pushing consumer ads for their latest expensive Rx drugs via TV in all it’s formats and the venues are controled by 6 corporations who are the beneficiaries of Big Pharmas’s deep pockets. Only in New Zealand and the US does this push to get patients to tell the doctors what they should prescribe happen. It just adds to the cost of overpriced drugs that are prescribed to the American patients.
There is little or no discussion about the role that Rx drugs prescribed for mental illness plays in the culmination of acts of violence. It doesn’t matter which weapon of distruction is used. Can be machetes, guns, bow and arrows, knives, hatchets, trucks. cars and axes to name a few. All have been used and reported in the media about past evil events.
The first line of defense by psychologists or psychiatrists in controling patient behavior is to prescribe mind alterating Rx drugs. Almost 100% of past school shooters were being treated for mental health issues and were on Rx drugs.
Here is an excellent article that doesn’t get the light of day outside the psychiatric community.
Psychiatric Drugs: Create Violence & Suicide—School Shootings And Other Acts Of Senseless Violence | CCHR International
Bottom line is that you don’t bite the hand that feeds you and you don’t explain to the
American people the root causes. The threat of loss of TV revenue from Big Pharma keeps the silence in place.
The other aspect that is not discussed is even if the mental health physician knew that their is great risk that his or her patient will act out in a violent way, they tell NO ONE!
It is called the confidential physician patient relationship and will not be violated.
Until we examine the root causes in a public forum that has the power to create positive change in how mental illness is treated in this country, we will only see more and more acts of violence.
The families of those who act out need to be part of the solution and can only be helpful if they are educated about what the root causes of their family members stress is and efforts are made to eliminate the mental stress that the person is experiencing.
Here is John Kass view on family envolvement or lack of.
And the Devil is Laughing - John Kass (
It’s unfortunate that the political push is to eliminate guns as the root cause, which will not end the violence.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh