I applaud all the astute dedicated honest researchers that are risking their careers and lives by telling the truth.
This last week, I have viewed a number of you tube videos that have great significance in the struggle to educate US citizens about the great harm that is and has been afflicted on society both in the USA as well as around the world. Unfortunately, the mass media is denying these truth tellers their ability to be heard.
Brave Heart #1 is Max Blumenthal who is not related to the Congressman that did a deep dive into the Ukraine/Russian crisis and presented his finding to the UN counsel.
The victims in this struggle are the Ukraine people who have fleed their country, died in their country or are stuggling to survive in their country. To learn how NATO and the US in partnership with the M/I complex are complicit in what is transpiring in this regional war that could escalate to WWIII, listen to what Max Blumenthal has uncovered.
Brave Heart #2 is Dr. Martin that clearly explains the origin of the Covid crisis and that it was a Biowarfare exercise. It was documented in 2010, that the US Air Force hosted a meeting of the Big 5, to explain the need to have a action plan in place in case of a Biowarfare event on the global population. The Big 5 were the USA, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. President Biden and King Charles are going to meet in the near future. Why? Will they discuss the fact how well executed was the lockdowns and the injection rates of their citizens without informed consent?
Covid was a Biowarfare exercise managed by DOD/CIA
In addition, it has been documented that the US Government under the leadership of Anthonty Fauci funneled research dollars to China’s Biowarfare lab in Wuhan China because “Gain of Function” research was forbidden on US soil by Congressional edict because of the great risks involved! Consequently, the following report may very well be legitimate and China took advantage of the situation to do their own exercise on how to control a Biological attack. Did it get out of hand and spread across the world accidentally? You decide. In any event, aiding and abetting an enemy, if China is defined as an enemy is a treasons event.
China involvement in the Covid crisis.
Brave Heart #3 is Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. who has the courage to announce his desire to be President after having lost a father, a uncle and yes maybe even a nephew who declared he would run for President. JFK Jr., did just that and a month later died in a plane crash. RFK Jr. wants the American public to learn the truth about a number of domestic issues that have been spun by the mass media which includes the Covid crisis, the Autism crisis, and yes the true story of the assissination of his father and uncle. Why have over 1000 pages of the JFK assissination after 50 years still not been released, even when the numerous Presidents say they would release them have reneged on their promise. There is an active effort to block articles, interviews and videos that are produced to allow RFK Jr. voice and views to be known to the American public. The MASTER MANIPULATORS don’t want a honest discussion on the many economic, sociel and ethic issues that America is failing to fix, including the Border crisis, which is managed by the Drug Cartels.
Fixing Health Policy in the USA
Also, the following interview on rumble with Joe Rogan and RFK Jr.
The greatest risk for humanity that is dealing with so many adverse events around the world is the Medicine man push to solve all disease states by RNA injections Here is my view.
You need to understand that there is a well funded massive medical propaganda machine at work, which daily miss directs and clouds the truth of what is transpiring. Until it is dismantled, the push to inject will go forward. The fact that they were able to have two phoney research articles discrediting the true value of HCQ planted in the British medical journal Lancet speaks to their power to deceive. The fact that Luc Montaganiare in early 2020 was discredited by saying it was gain of function speaks volumnes to their power. The fact that the mass media is the benefactor of over 6 Billion dollars in consumer medical prescription propaganda speaks to the issue of why they go along with the false medical narratives that keep us on this road to extinction. What has to be exposed is the intertwined goals of the CDC/DARPA/CIA consortium and Big Pharma. There are billions and billions of dollars being invested into the development of more mRNA injections to treat disease states. This is the new 21st Century Allopathic medicine model to keep the Big Pharma medical money machine growing. The fact that the FDA has approved mRNA injections for our children states loudly they have no intent in stopping this nano drug delivery system from fruition. The fact that the Fauci clone is now pushing the concept that 200,000 lives were lost because of the unvaccinated says very loudly, they are in control of humanities destiny. There is no recognition of the great harm done by the injections or the wrong medical treatment. In the meantime, the truth tellers need to close ranks, settle their differences as to when who said what when and demand that there be an immediate mortatorium on this research until there is a honest public discussion among all the medical scientists and all views are heard and analyzed. The major impediment, is the fact that the majority of our leadership in Washington is staying silent and and/or are defending the actions taken against humanity over the last three years. Senator Dingell of Michigan is a good example of reciting chapter and versus for the medical propaganda machine. Most of the senior congressman in DC have been well funded in their political life by Big Pharma and will not bite the the hand that feeds them. This is a uphill battle to stop this assault on our DNA which has the potential of destroying the human race, we need unity in our struggle. The NIH/CDC/NAIAD facilitators are just the frontline of those who have organized and implemented this preplanned assault on humanity. It is a David and Goliath struggle, and we need a sling shot hit to the heart of the beast to stop the carnage to come.
There are many other BRAVE HEARTS that have the courage to speak up. Dr. Breggin and his wife, as well as Dr. Malone and his wife, and I’m sadden that Dr. Malone believes he has been gravely injured by Dr. Breggin and is suing him for $25 million. Makes no sense to me. Dr. Alexander, Dr. Susone, Edwin, 2nd Smartest Guy, Midwest Doctor, and many more can be found on substack. My hat is off to their dedication.
Happy Fourth of July! Enjoy the day and stay safe.
Thomas A braun RPh. Retired but not senile yet.