Colostrum versus Covenience.
Why is it that only 6 out of 10 new mothers in the US intend to nurse.?
Almost a half century ago, a Chicago Tribune columnist Jack Mabley wrote an article which started out saying that a newborn comes into this world 99.8% whole and it is down hill from there. We have been going down hill ever since. His article covered the miracle of birth in great detail.
Today, hospitals keep building new preemie wards. Mothers abandon their motherhood in the millions each year, and it has been reported that since 1970, 65 million fetuses have been aborted. Infant deaths are 6 in 1000, and in impoverished major US cities it is 15 in 1000 where as in Japan it is only 2 in 1000. Autistic children are being born at the rate of over 100,000 per year, which translates to about 1 in 50 births today, when before 1986, when vaccines were limited in scope it was 1 in 10,000. Today, New York and California lead the way with mandated vaccines for new borns to the tune of 25 before they are 6 months old. Now, in addition we are pushing mRNA injections for our children, despite the fact that there is no medical statistical basis that says it is warranted.
The new mother that nurses, provides the new infant with colostrum in her milk for the first few days to ensure the infants ability to stay healthy.
Colostrum is the first form of breastmilk that is released by the mammary glands after giving birth. It's nutrient-dense and high in antibodies and antioxidants to build a newborn baby's immune system. It changes to breast milk within two to four days after the baby is born. Colostrum is thicker and more yellow than traditional breast milk.
The majority of births are in hospitals where Mead Johnson and Abbott compete for endorsment of their baby formula products by the hospital as preferred brands. They have a monoply of over 80% on formula sales in the US. In addition, formula manufactured in other countries are not allowed to be shipped into the US unless they meet label criteria spelled out in regulations designed to keep less expensive formula from invading the US market.
The current Similac fiasco which was caused by Abbott deciding to have only one plant in the US for producing baby formula that accounts for over 40% of formula sales was shut down do to unsanitary conditions including the presence of deadly microbes. Abbott of course denies that there was such a issue. A whistle blower wrote Dr. Woodcock in 2021, detailing the inaction of the FDA to get Abbott to comply with the GMP’s. No one knows what happened to the letter. Strange?
Abbott sells their Similac in 96 countries around the world, and they manufacture in multiple non-US locations. All congress had to do, is demand that Abbott ship formula in from their non-US manufacturing plant. Unfortunately, that would open up competition to lower the cost of formula to US mothers. Tariffs exist to keep the prices high.
Prenatal care for mother’s to be can be greatly improved. Measuring Vitamin D blood value and making sure the mother’s Vitamin D blood value was over 50 ng’s would help ensure a healthy baby. Measuring Magnesium levels would also be of great value.
Also, mother’s to be can’t breast feed if their Vitamin D level is dramatically deficient. The breast feeding gene can’t be turned on.
Grassrootshealth has documented through research that there would be a 60% reduction in preemie births if Vitamin D blood level was above 50 ng’s.
If you read the baby formula labels, you will find in the liquid forms they use carrageenan as a thickener which has been found to irritate the infants GI tract because it contains a sulphur molecule. Multiple research studies have been submitted to the FDA alerting them to this issue and it falls on deaf ears. Also, the cheapest forms of some of the ingredients are in the sulphur form that cause irritation. Also, corn based sweetners are used since they are cheaper than sugars. Maximizing profits dominates.
In Norway and Sweden, 98% of the mothers intend to breast feed and ensure a health infant grows up. Marketing messages push the convenience of formula and it is questionable if they deliver maximum nutritional value, compared to mothers that breast feed.
Great improvement can be achieved in rasing healthy children, but the medical profession has to recognize the issues that are not being properly addressed which they can control and the mothers need to be educated in how our newborns should be properly raised. Selling convenience over good health seems to be more important to too many.
My thoughts for the day.
This is a very positive post to read today on this apocalyptic Friday. As a former Childbirth Educator I underscore the importance of this. It is fundamental to everything we are. We have as a society given up just about everything for the sake of convenience. Convenience from Amazon who also has tentacles deep into our National security apparatus, Tesla for giving us electric cars, more space junk and corporate tentacles into our National security, food, water and air insecurity pays off all the wrong people in corporations and government. And we seem even willing to fork over our children's lives, health and well being to the same desperate, psychopathic Kleptocrats. It is up to us.