Based on all I have read over the years; I have come to the conclusion that the 3-bullet theory does not work, and it was a gas light job on the American public to convince everyone that Oswald did it and to shut the event down as quickly as possible.
Evidence exists that one bullet hit the curb in front of the limousine, and they cut out the concrete curb and took it away. Also, there are pictures of a dent in the heavy metal chrome head piece on top of the windshield of the limousine that was dented almost in the center where a second bullet hit and probably fragments ricocheted into Govenor Connely leg since they found bullet fragments in the leg that exceed the weight of one bullet.
Here is the best explanation by an expert marksman that is right on the money!
By Greg in Richmond! The information on the cover-up has been around for decades. The culture in 1962 was that the government was trustworthy. The government told the public that they were the experts and the important information was what they determined to be important. At that time, the public stopped looking at the other information. There is no need to look at that, says the government. I was a sophomore in high school at the time of the assisination. I waited patiently for months for the Warren Report to know the reason why Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. It was certainly obvious that the reason was to shut Oswald up. The extensive Warren Report essentially said that they could find no reason. Really. I thought you guys were the experts. Oswald told the reporters with TV cameras in the jail hallway, "I didn't shoot anybody. I'm a patsy." Granting that he could have shot the President from behind, but how many accused assasins have you ever heard spontaneously claim to be a patsy?" I have only heard one. Next, the information on the testing of Oswald's rifle was released. It was disclosed that the bolt action rifle was capable of firing the reported number of rounds in the observed time frame. Seven years later, I found myself on a Marine Corps rifle range. I qualified at the expert level. I was obvious to me that it was a fairly simple matter to fire 4 or 5 rounds from a semi-automatic rifle equipped with iron sights and hit a stationary target. However, Oswald was reported to have used a bolt action rifle with a scope and hit a moving target that is moving down, away, and curving all at the same time. In order to fire the nest round from a bolt action rifle, the bolt handle must be lifted, pulled back, pushed forward, and then pushed down. It is impossible to follow your target with the scope while doing this. So, not only does the bolt action take time, it is also necessary to take time to reacquire the target through the scope after operating the bolt mechanism. The scope has a very limited field of view, and a moving vehicle will not even be in the field of view after moving the bolt. While there is sufficient time to fire the rounds reported, there is not enough time to also acquire the moving target. Then there is the trigger pull. The trigger has to be squezed, not jerked. Otherwise, the round will not hit the target because the muzzle will be moved off the target. This requires additional time to track the moving target while squeezing the trigger. One must constantly keep the scope on the target while squeezing the trigger in order to hit the target. This is a very difficult task. Oswald was not capable of this. Finally, there was the Zapruder film. This was the amature home move taken of JFk's car as he was shot. Obviously, people like the CIA couldn't plan for a home movie. Although some frames in the film have the image of the car blocked by a sign, there is at least one showing a cloud of blood coming from JFK's head as his head snaps to the rear. Obviously, he was shot from the front. The film was supressed at too traumatic for the public to see for decades. An obvious cover-up. As if that's not enough, when the President was shot, Mrs. Kennedy climbed onto the trunk of the car to retrieve a piece of the Prssident's skull that had been thrown to the rear. It was likely a desperate move to assist in a cure for her husband. But the only way the piece of bone would be on the trunk is if the Presient was shot from the front. This entire event is an example of how public opinion can be distorted if the public doesn't question the official narrative
The following is from Dr. Malones substack that highlights what the forensic physicians believe.
All I know is that John Dulles, J Edgar Hoover and LBJ all didn’t like RFK and his pacifism. For that I believe he paid the ultimate price.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh.
I think what’s more important, is who and why JFK was murdered. This is much bigger than the USA. The same entity still exists, I’m sure (and more powerful).
Mr. Braun
Do you have any thoughts as to why the CIA, etc. may have decided to assassinate him publicly, versus privately? Someone brought up this question in the Comments of the Malone article.