Courageous Dr. Malone
Please copy and paste Dr. Malone's presentation to the Mexican Congress to your Senators.
Open his substack post first and read Dr. Malones accurate reporting of what has transpired in the last three years.
The true events of the Covid crisis.
Well Done! Dr. Malone!
What your readers need to understand is the motivation which is not covered in your presentation. My view is the two main actors were the military and Big Pharma with massive CDC support acting in concert and that the eugenists and globalists embraced and supported the actions taken.
I am anxiously awaiting for your invitation to speak to the US Senate on the invitation of Senator Ron Johnson. I'm sure Senator Schumar will be an impediment.
The following is the work of a Professor in Sussex England that has spent his career teaching students about the drug industry. Focus on his definition of concurrency.
English professor in Brighton, England named John Abrahams who taught at University of Sussex wrote a book called: Science, Politics, and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Chapter 5 dealt with “Impure Profit: Marketing Medicine in Scientific Research”
Interesting to note he outlines three issues that interfere with objective honest medical research.
First was inherent conflict of interest undermines the use of the scientific method. In common language, it means that the same person who is charged with monitoring adverse reactions is also responsible for the marketing of the drug once the FDA approves it. Bias and not objective decisions are often made.
Second, the issue of concurrency undermines the scientific method. This means that production of the “drug” and the research on the drug is taking place at the same time. He infers that military research is guilty of it. EOC smells of this!
Third, the corporate scientific process is kept secret from the medical community and the public.
The following are the author’s words verbatim on this issue.
In itself, secret corporate science is hardly surprising, it may even be desirable to protect valid trade secrets. But too often, companies take the need for secrecy much further, requesting, for example protective court orders to prohibit the gathering and distribution of critical data of life or death importance to the potential users of their products. Manufacturers have even intervened to discourage the publication of scientific articles that would have warned practitioners and other researchers about such.
I pray that we stop all mRNA injections now! Save our children!