Day of Reflection
July 4th is the day to celebrate our release from servitude by the British Empire but...
Oppression of free speech and free and open dialog are being suppressed on this day of celebration and beyond.
The first article that reflect this is the imprisonment of Mr. Bannon. A voice of conservatism and self reliance. It was written by Dr. Naomi Wolf who has tirelessly written about the great harm created by the Covid con. You don’t have to agree with Mr. Bannon view points, but you should respect his right to express his opinion. That is not what is transpiring.
What time is it? The incarceration of Mr. Bannon as a political prisoner.
The second article is by Dr. Joseph Sansone, who reflects on the domestic war which is being created by the dictatorial federal government. In addition he reflects on the potential for WWIII.
This is my response to Dr. Sansone:
Your fears are not without foundation! Unfortunately, this continued march to reprogram cellular function via RNA injections is not slowly down and is accelerating because Big Pharma and the money men like Gates have seen a 20X return on their investment. Over 100 projects are in the works and billions and billions are being invested in this race to reap the financial rewards The most deranged part of this concept is that the corporate and public hospitals are going with the RNA flow and are encouraging their medical staffs to take the shots or be fired. In time, the well trained medical staffs who are harmed will be replaced and reduced by poorly trained replacements at a time when the demand for medical treatment will accelerate because of the deranged medical policies being pushed by NIH, FDA, CDC and NIAID. Of course, we have NAM which is a corporate medical policy institution that influences NIH because it is driving the direction of healthcare to benefit the corporations that benefit. Avoiding being made captive to the corporate medical system is a must to survive this deadly scenario.
The third article is from Dr. Malone discussing the Supreme Court ruling on the draconian prosecution of J6 protestors who were exercising their right to voice their opinion and were sucked into a maelstrom.
My view:
Doesn't help all the J6's that were exercising their right to speak out and were sucked into a maelstrom and are now serving time as political prisoners. All three branches of our federal government have been politicized and are controlled by special interests and the deep state. The political legal gauntlet that they are putting President Trump thru speaks loudly about how politicized DC has become and Biden thinks it is great and stays silent. I admire President Trump's determination not to throw in the towel! The Covid con demonstrated the power and control that has enveloped DC.
Unless we stop this march forward to a fascist totalitarian government, we will be no different that where Germany was just before WWII. WWIII will be like none that has ever been experienced before.
Time to stop this madness and derangement emulating from DC.
Happy Fourth of July! Let’s remember what it means beyond a fire works display.
Thomas A Braun RPh
I agree, "Time to stop this madness and derangement emulating from DC."
Happy 4th, Thomas, to you and yours!