DC needs RFK Jr. in 2025
Three articles/video explain the pressing need to have RFK Jr. active in the Trump administration.
First, it is reported that Japan will so start inoculating their citizens as early as October 2024 with a self replicating RNA injection called Replicon. Reminds me of the word Reptilian!
This physician explain the coming medical crisis.
My view:
Let's call it what it really is! A mass bioweapon exercise to eliminate excess humans. Japan is the initial ground zero. Tokyo is super dense. Condos are 10 X 12 feet total. In the US, the illegal immigrants are pouring in with all types of disease states. Malaria is among them and the CDC knows this and is looking for a solution. Helping grow our medical industrial complex that has been over joyed with having the Covid con created. Major source of revenue. We need Trump to win and RFK Jr. to fix our sick care medical industrial complex that puts the bottom line in front of good health. Outlaw biowarfare development totally on a global basis. Outlaw RNA injections that reprogram cellular function. Extermination of humanity is on the table.
Secondly, here is a video by Bobby Kennedy Jr. explaining what needs to be done and why President Trump must be returned to Washington, DC.
Finally, here is Midwest Doc analysis of why President Biden was a key pusher of RNA injection mandates and why NOTHING will improve in the Healthcare arena if Kamala Harris is voted in.
My comment:
The push to inject and create RNA life changing modalities is on going. Experimenting with biowarfare entities is not slowing down. They all need to be banned globally. Japan is on the verge of releasing a self replicating RNA pathogen that is rapidly spread via respiratory exhalation. Called Replicon. All being push under the disguise of protecting you from harm.
Both Big Pharma and the Biowarfare medicine men are 100% behind the push. Biden just did what he was told to do. Mindless leadership.
Our deranged medicine men believe they can improve on God’s design by manipulating the RNA and the DNA of life itself. My great fear is they will end life as we know it and there is only one voice that has the courage and the recognition to speak out on the issue. RFK Jr.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh.
PS: Tell me if you think this is is scifi and not reality and why?
May we can hope their grand death cult backfires and for whatever reason, only kills those with the gene of evil 🤷🏼♂️