RFK Jr’s well documented book “The Real Anthony Fauci” devotes three chapters discussing the AIDS/HIV crisis that was managed and controlled by Anthony Fauci in the 1980’s forward.
Clearly, the battle for control of how medical research is conducted was won by Anthony Fauci and his minions which determined that consensus would rule.
Discourse in medical research and all scientific disciplines depends on accuracy, ability to duplicate the scientific process and have the ability to challenge the claimed results of the research. It is the validation process to ensure that “No Harm” or fraud is created by the scientific process.
The parallels in the AIDS and Covid crisis are astoundingly similar. In both cases an anti-viral drug was presented to be the best avenue to cure the medical crisis. Validation of being safe and effective was not done but was approved for treatment. All other avenues of AIDS treatment were rejected by Dr. Fauci for years. In the meantime, anyone who was found positive for the presence of the HIV virus with and without symptoms was strongly advised to be treated with the AZT anti-viral. Researchers claim thousands and thousands died from AZT.
Anyone in the CDC scientific community whose lively hood depended on grants from Anthony Fauci and challenged the Fauci AIDS protocol was summarily dismissed and outcasted from the consensus circle.
Dr. Duesberg had the audacity to question if the presence of HIV was the true cause of AIDS and was expelled from the medical community for the rest of his life. He made the statement “HIV is a hitchhiker and not the cause”. His view was based on the fact that millions of people are found to carry the HIV and have no symptoms of AIDS. He challenged the consensus and was ostracized for life. Dr. Judy Mikovits had a similar fate and was even jailed over her discourse. Since she is still a major critic of Anthony Fauci today, she is still being subject to character assassination by Fauci’s minions whose life blood is grants from Anthony Fauci who holds the purse strings.
Fauci’s directed Medical Protocol for Covid that strongly incentivized hospitals to follow only his protocol dominated the treatment routine. Those diagnosed as having the Covid virus were given the anti-viral Remdesivir which again was not vetted for being safe and effective. The anti-viral was briefly tested in Africa and was found to have a fatality rate of over 50%. Again, any other treatment regimen was discredited and those who supported their use were subject to character assassination and exclusion from the scientific community. The Great Barrington Declaration originators as well as Simone Gold of Frontline Physicians were targeted for not embracing the consensus. Emails between Fauci and Collins clearly indicate the intent to have only consensus builders on board. This time, the Covid crisis delivered a One-Two punch with the pronouncement that a mRNA injection which sneaks past the immune system and reprograms cellular function was the only way to protect humans from dying from the virus when less than .2% of the population was truly at risk. Again, what is not known is how many died from being administered the anti-viral Remdesivir. Some believe that 70% of those who supposedly died from Covid were victims of the Fauci protocol.
It is clear in my mind, the mRNA injections for Covid are just the opening gambit in creating mRNA injections as the 21st Century nano drug delivery system to remap the DNA of humans to “improve” on their health. Again, these injections have not been cleared for being safe and effective, even though that was the narrative sold to the public via our political leaders and the mass media. Again, Thousands and thousands have died from the adverse effects of the mRNA injection and some researchers believe the number is beyond 100,000.
Years ago, Senator Ted Weiss from New York conveyed an investigation into the AIDS crisis and Anthony Fauci was the star witness. Senator Weiss was incensed by the subterfuge and misdirection delivered by Anthony Fauci about how we was addressing the AIDS crisis.
I encourage everyone to read RFK’s book that speaks the truth and documents the facts and is not based on opinion. Until we stop the gate keepers from believing that consensus in medicine is the only way to move medical science forward, we will be creating great harm.
I believe the only way we will resolve this issue is to do the following:
We need a second Revolution to take back the USA from our masters. When Congress voted to allow corporations to have the same rights as "we the people" the flood gates were opened to allow our Congressman in DC to have a lifetime appointment to enrich themselves as well as the corporations that support their political life. The fact that the Covid narrative was embraced by almost all Congressman who all declared that the injections were safe and effective speaks volumes about the Constitutional crisis we now face. We need to have all our Political leaders in DC and at the state level pledge allegiance to the Constitution and reaffirm the fact that we are a country "of the people, for the people, by the people". Those who will not take the pledge should be put out to pasture this fall regardless of political affiliation. It can be done via social media if we have the will!
Yes, love RFK's book and comments from the beginning of this. Can't believe how many correlate the truth with so-called conspiracy theories. We do need a revolution but this time it will likely spread worldwide. The intent of our revolutionary ancestors is important - they knew they fell short and hoped future generations would remedy these. It is really traumatic to see how much the kleptocrats have hollowed out the US (and the planet). This time the would be harbingers of the 5th Industrial Revolution, the ultimate kleptocrats, have a website and declare their plans.