Death of Humanity or Medicine?
We are at a cross roads in medical science that has the capacity to end life as we know it.
The Celluar Scientists believes they can improve on the design of man and correct genetic mistakes. Genetic mistakes account for less that 5% of all disease states and the question is: Can they be avoided through other means by identifying the root cause? Beyond that, Big Pharma believes that reprogramming cellular function can be the saving grace for the Rockefeller allopathic medicine model which believes only chemicals adminstered to the human body through various means can treat ill health.
Death by Medicine is for real, and prescription drugs have been one of the key causes that has been documented by Gary Null and his book “Death by Medicine”. The majority of Rx drugs consumed today are generic, and of relatively low cost compared to the 10% that are still patented and profitable for Big Pharma. This accounts for the exhorbinant cost of proprietary Rx drugs and why nano drug injections is the only way forward to keep Big Phama dominate and profitable. The mRNA injections is the NEW delivery system for tricking the immune system and reprogramming cellular function for treating disease states. In the US, the unacceptable high rate of side effects from the injections which include death is being ignored. They are not vaccines, but nano drug injections which have been pushed into mainstream medicine under “emergency authorization” because of the Sars2,Covid-19 man made crisis. Adolf Hitler had the concept that all superior humans sould be blue eyed blondes through culling. Bill Gates says we need to reduce the population by about 1 BILLION people to survive on earth. Senator Rand Paul expresses the concept that the 7.2 million humans who have died from Covid could have been avoided if the CDC under Anthony Fauci’s management had not funded the Chinese Wuhan Biowarfare laboratory to do “gain of function” research on how to make a virus more deadly to humans. Little has been said about why the US and other major countries are all doing similar work. To what end? What other deadly pathogens does the US have in their armaterium of bio weapons? Can we destroy humanity without a atomic, hydrogen or neutron bomb?
If you believe in the evolution of man, or the intervention of a superior being along the way that gave man the ability to create and dominate life on earth, you need to understand that at the cellular level, our existence depends on the efficient functioning of our cells. Our heart pumps life giving blood and repairs itself muscle cells daily and does it for us for our life time and is the best example of the how well humans have been designed. The emergence of myocarditis in those injected is a red flag!
To learn more click here: Mycarditis
The following quote is from Dr. Victoria Sweet, who wrote the book called “God’s Hotel”. She tells the story of her work treating patients at the Laguna Honda Hospital in San Francisco, which transitioned into a modern corporate run hospital where the physicians role has been marginalized to conform to the demands of the federal government, and a myriad of adminstrative procedures that have been put in place. Details how Medicine has been transformed into a numbers game.
This is her well thought out definition of what is a cell:
For us, for modern medicine, our basic framework is the cell. We begin life as a single cell, the fertilized egg, which, then multiplies, divides and differentiates into all the different cells of our body. Inside each cell we believe it’s a kind of chemical factory with production machinery, communication devices, and energy machines; and their programs are contained in the code called DNA. Each cell follows it’s DNA instructions and so produces the chemicals necessary for life. To communicate with other cells, each cell, secretes certain of thes chemicals into the blood. There they circulate and interact with other cells, modifying these other cells’ DNA orders and so unite the individuality of each cell into a CORPORATE WHOLE.
None vaccinated people, who need surgery and blood, are wanting and demanding that they receive blood only donated from non-vaccinated individuals. It is not know what chemical messengers are now circulating in the blood of the vaccinated that will interfere with normal cellular function of the non-vaccinated. Medicine has entered unknown territory on the cellular level and humanity has become their experimental animals.
The following color picture shows the complexity of a human cell. We have some where around 30 Trillion in a adult human. It is reported that one drop of blood has one million red blood cells. The complexity is enormous, and when Dr. Malone figured out how to deliver the mRNA into a human cell, did he know what would transpire? He believed in the mRNA injections until he got the injections and nearly died from them. Since then he has been a champion for stopping them until we can control the functionality, which is obviously not happening. No one in authority has the courage to speak out against them and demand we stop. Big Pharma has the resources and the upper hand that will keep people believing that the injections are beneficial.
I believe that the early research in the 1970’s on the mRNA injections was done by the US Army at the Edgewood Arsenal, where Dr. Hayes was stationed to supervise bio warfare research. They discovered that if you glycinate the chemical you are testing, it is more rapidly absorbed by the body. In researching his political appointment to head the FDA, I discovered the following experiment was supervised by this physician.
They included a drug called CAR-301,060 (also known as cis-2-Methyl-3-quinuclidinylphenylcyclopentylglycolate or just by its code number 301060) is a potent and long lasting anticholinergic deliriant drug, related to the chemical warfare agent 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB). It was developed under contract to Edgewood Arsenal during the 1960s as part of the US military chemical weapons program, during research to improve upon the properties of earlier agents such as QNB.
Dr. Hayes downplayed his involvement by saying “a few dozen well-informed volunteers tested the safety of atropine”. The word deliriant is a code word for the word “hallucinogen”.
This was just one of the many experiments at Edgewood carried on from 1958 to 1975 and involved hundreds of drugs and about 7000 soldier volunteers, to determine how mind-altering drugs would affect soldiers and others under various conditions.
Fast forward to today, and we now know the following about the mRNA injections.
Glycinated chemicals are more easily transported and absorbed in humans. The mRNA injections of 2021 contain a component called PEG which is Polyethylene Gluconate. Wikipedia explains it well.
· A PEGylated lipid is used as an excipient in both the Moderna and Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines for SARS-CoV-2. Both RNA vaccines consist of messenger RNA, or mRNA, encased in a bubble of oily molecules called lipids. Proprietary lipid technology is used for each. In both vaccines, the bubbles are coated with a stabilizing molecule of polyethylene gluconate.
The question in my mind, is: Did Dr. Malone build on these glycinated experiments to formulate the methodolgy for creating the mRNA injections that trick the immune system so it doesn’t recognize this foreign materiel as non self entities and destroy it?
In any event, the American public is clueless as to the deadly biological secrets that are housed in the bio warfare facilites that are abundant in the United States.
It was finally reported a number of years ago that the anthrax deaths delivered by US mail was a lab produced form produced by one of these facilities. Mystery never solved?
Great harm has been done and will be done unless we change course in medicine and stop the bio warfare experimentation around the world. Sound medical judgement is being replaced by manipulated science and the push to find new and profitable proprietary drug delivery systems to keep Big Pharma profitable. Will we stop Medicine from going down this path, or will we be guinea pigs to a unstoppable man made virus or a mRNA injection that reproduces just like a natural virus. We are running out of time.
It is an actual photo of a human cell that shows on organized and intrinsic it is.
Thank you! That’s my objective! Pass it on to all!