The Balance of Nature on this beautiful green blue planet is being distorted by the experimentation of man who believes he can improve on Mother Nature’s or God’s Design depending on your belief system.
It goes beyond what the medicine man is doing with the manipulation of the genetic make up of all living things through RNA injections. Humans, animals and plants.
More people died from the injections in the USA than how many US military personnel were killed in action in Vietnam. Based on the limited data of the VAERS FDA reporting system, my personal belief is that around 600,000 died from the injections. This of course does not include the mal practice of treating Covid patients.
Here is Doctor Kory’s analysis: Direct deaths from RNA injections.
The environment on earth is being manipulated in the air as well as on the ground.
The air is the conduit for radiation being sent around the global from satellites as well as transmitters on earth that are pumping out microwaves. They are extolling the value of 5G radiation that delivers the images almost instantly on our iPhones, TV’s and other electronic devices. We have gone from 2 G to 3 G to 4 G and now 5 G is the standard and they are working on 6 G! The intensity of radiation being delivered continues to rise exponential with each change in G. Also, the military is developing Direct Energy Systems.
Go to Dr. Devra Lee Davis - Environmental Health Trust ( to learn about how radiation can harm the body. Environmental Health issues.
In addition, we are manipulating the normal patterns of cloud formations to change where rain is delivered to the earth. Cloud seeding is experimental and all sorts of micro materials are used to manipulate the clouds and the contaminates fall to the earth and poison it. They recently cloud seeded Dubai and they had extreme flooding. They also never thought of building a drainage system in the desert!
Then of course we have Big Chemo supplying the corporate farming industry chemicals that poison not only the earth that destroys the microbiome of the fertile earth, but delivers trace toxins to the food crops grown. Glyphosates (Round-Up) is the poster child of chemical harm that man is creating.
Go to to learn about the chemicals in food.
Runoff delivers the toxins into are water supply, along with the traces of pharmaceuticals that are flushed down the toilet.
The impact of all these scientific endeavors which are being developed have not been properly evaluated for the impact of life it self on this earth.
Depending where you live and what your life style decisions are, will determine how much harm will be created that will negatively impact your body. The following researcher is documenting the trace toxins in the blood of both vaccinated and unvaccinated humans. The unvaccinated are at risk because they are being exposed to the environmental toxins as well as the shedding from the vaccinated.
For a Deep Dive on a College Graduate level that exposes the contaminates that the human body is absorbing because of the push to improve on Mother Earth can be found here. Explains why some who have died have these massive rubbery blood clots.
Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
It's about the Future of Health & Survival of the Human Species. Covid Plandemic, Nanotechnology and Synthetic Biology in C19 injectables, Treatment solutions Rumble:,
My thoughts for the day. I pray that rational humans stop these technology pushes that has the capacity to eradicate life on this beautiful plant and return it into just another massive rock rotating around the sun.
Thomas A Braun RPh