America was built with the immigration of persons from all over the globe. Primarily from Europe in the 19th century thru Ellis Island and a few other ports around the county. Back then you needed a sponsor to help you assimilate into the American culture and if you were diseased, you were sent back to your country of origin. The system worked well and those with ambition and hard work became wealthy.
Today it is diametrically the opposite. The illegal immigrants pouring in from the Mexican/US border are without sponsors and many are bringing diseases into the United States that have been eradicated here.
New York is reporting that TB and Polio are being spread by immigrants. In addition, it is reported that malaria is being spread by immigrants who have an active case and come over the border and disappear into cities around the country. Mosquitoes are carrying the malaria to unsuspecting Americans by inoculating them after biting the carrier and the CDC is aware of this new infectious disease crisis. They have a protocol to handle it, if they can identify the infected individual.
CDC protocol for infectious diseases
Unfortunately, many of the illegals are pouring over the border and disappearing and are becoming the vector for malaria, polio and tb, and sexually transmitted diseases as well. Here is December 5th, 2023, video of what is transpiring and is being ignored by the current administration in DC.
Illegals pouring into Arizona.
The Biden open border policy will allow about 3,000,000 illegals into this country in 2023 alone, and some will carry with them the infectious diseases that will be spread across the country. A new health crisis on the heels of the Covid con and the RNA injections that are still being pushed that has caused so much damage to Americans over the last 3 years.
There is an answer, but it isn’t in the Democratic play book that wants these illegals to become voters for the socialistic policies that are the goal of the Democrats. Hard working Americans are paying the price for these failed policies on immigration.
Little is being reported in the mass media, since it is in conflict with the goals of Biden Brain dead economics.
My thoughts for the day!
Thomas Braun RPh
Right you are on this issue. Americans, protect yourselves, and you can expect nothing but trouble from the Health Case Industry, which is set to crash and burn, so overloaded with the care of illegals.
Good one, just cross posted. For those who think they can "sit this one out" - and I know MANY... you can't; you won't.... and they never intended for you to be ABLE to.