Dud rate and Injection deaths acceptable?
Is there a similarity in the way the US government thinks about acceptability of killing people with weapons and injections?
Today, the local paper picked up the AP article reporting that Joe Biden had the difficult decision of deciding whether to send cluster bombs to Ukraine to keep the endless war going that is destroying Ukraine and the Ukraine people are the primary victims. He accepted the Ukraine promise to use the controversial bombs carefully. Sure! AP is one of the sources for left leaning narratives that perpetuate the Biden adminstration policies as well as the M/I war intiatives and Big Pharma policies that perpetuate the need to inject the masses with mRNA injections that reprogram cellular function. The following is my response to the Daily Herald, mindless decision to keep pushing the bias AP articles.
Saturday's article from the AP discussed the need to send cluster bombs with a fail rate of 2.35% to Ukraine to win an endless war that is destroying Ukraine. I question if the fail rate is truly valid, based on previous reports of up to 25% fail rate.. Princess Diane campaigned against Land mines and her Memorial Foundation has campaigned against cluster bombs that were destroying children's lives in Lebanon and beyond. UN says no to them and is ignored! It is reported that 150 countries have signed an agreement not to use them, but not Joe Biden and his administration that embraces the war effort with both feet! It is a bi-partisan effort for the wrong reasons. The article by the AP is designed to convince the reader that it is OK for kids to have their limbs blown off or worst when they pick up a dud. True to form, another pro war AP article that does not tell the whole story. Reminds me of the high rate of injuries and deaths from the RNA injections that are being ignored and not being reported to the American public.
Interesting is the fact that another AP article on the same page reported that the US is finally finishing destroying chemical warfare bombs from WWI and WAR II. What took so long? I guess that article was designed to say the USA are the good guys! Counter balancing the push to justify cluster bombs? Nothing said about banning Biowarfare biologicals including the gain of function Sars II Covid 19 bio weapon and many more that are unknown to the public but not DARPA.
It is now being reported that about 13 MILLION humans around the globe have been killed by the mRNA injections. You won’t see a AP article reporting this viewpoint.
Global tally of Injection deaths
That is about 1.3% of the 1 BILLION humans who received the injections. Apparently, it is an acceptable rate for the greater good of humanity. What is ignored is the fact that the RNA injections were not needed to combat the Covid con. They were needed by DOD/CIA/DARPA to test a controlled response to a biological warfare event, and it was necessary to open the door to RNA injections as the new treatment format for disease states that are extremely profitable for Big Pharma. Bill Gates and his followers as well as WEF see it as a positive move for their goals. Here is my view on this:
I believe the injections had multiple purposes and there is an alignment between DOD/DARPA/CIA that sees it as a biowarfare exercise, while Big Pharma sees it a a golden opportunity to double their Drug sales and profit. In addition the Eugenists Gates etc see it as away to cleanse the earth of non-productive humans and finally the Globalists see as the path for a profitable one world government where their workers are controlled and harmless! In turn, they are ALL involved in covering up the great harm and manipulating the facts to keep this crime against humanity that has the potential to exterminate life on earth as we know it rolling down hill to hell! Rodin was a visionary when he Created “The Gates of Hell”. In the meantime, the majority of humans don’t understand what is transpiring, and are happy being spoonfed with pablum!
It is reported that wars in the 20th Century have killed 108 Million humans. I guess the low kill rate from cluster bombs that don’t explode on impact and the low kill rate of injections are acceptable to the decision makers that are deciding how we should live our lives!
It is beyond my comprehension that we have so many amoral humans that are so evil that they don’t have any concern about the needless deaths and misery that is being bestowed on humanity by their decisions.
My thoughts for the day. Tell me what I have wrong or have mis-interrupted.
Thomas A Braun RPh Retired but not senile yet!