Emergency Authorization Use which allowed unsafe RNA injections to be administered to about 250 million Americans and billions more in other countries has now been extended for FIVE more years! Actually it goes beyond that push to allow Lilly, Pfizer and other Big Pharma companies to sell their RX drugs directly to the patient and by pass local health professionals.
Click here: EAU Extension!
My view:
Wow! Biden and bums just gave the money people 5 years to get their return on investment on RNA injections that reprogram cellular function and alter the blue print of life. In addition, it gives Lilly and Pfizer and all the Big Pharma companies time to refine their use of AI to by pass the local physician and pharmacist and sell their deadly drugs directly to the patient. The Lilly weight loss injections that alter GI function is moving forward at warp speed. The side effects are just now beginning to surface since we are now classified as lab rats. When Lilly employs the physician that OK's the direct shipment of the weight loss injection directly to the patient, there is no one monitoring the detrimental effects that develop. It is just another money game to keep the Big Pharma half TRILLION enterprise moving forward. Our Congressman of course ignore the issue since most depend on Big Pharma bucks to stay in their cushy offices. Dick Durbin is a champion for them and has spoken out against RFK Jr. My view after 60 years in the drug business.
President Trump has green lighted RFK Jr. initiative to investigate the link between Autism and the over use of vaccines being given to our children. The following article discusses the exponential rise is autism in California since 1986 when Big Pharma was given a pass on liability for injecting our children. So, Durbin is just following orders and discrediting RFK Jr.
Of course Big Pharma denies that the parallel exponential rise in the number vaccines injected into our innocent children and the exponential rise in autism cases since 1986 is just coincidental! Amazon deleted any books and videos critical of vaccines at the request of Adam Schiff. California through legislation mandates that babies in their first 6 months of life must be injected 25 times! Adam does give a hoot nor Durbin. They just protect Big Pharma! This is what President Trump and JFK Jr is up against.
The replacement mouth piece for Fauci is Hotez, who is predicting that we will be inundated with viral invasions when Trump is in office. He has an autistic child and denies that vaccines were the cause.
Click here for his warning: Hotez dire warning
Finally, here is an extensive slide show about the bird flu that is factual.
My view:
Driving fear to push the vaccine concept. A reliable source says the Avian Bird Flu virus escaped from a Chinese Bio warfare lab. Has infected 100 MILLION chickens in the USA because we raise the chickens in a stressful crowded condition in large tin barns with much overcrowding and NO sunlight to boost their Vitamin D level. Boosting their immune system with Vitamin D and giving space to live without stress is key and is ignored. It is the method of raising the chickens that make them susceptible to the virus! Let's not fix the problem! It keeps the vaccine push alive! A first good step would be to add lights to the tin barns that stimulate Vitamin D production. Same should be done in all our school class rooms to boost the health of our children. Nah! Slows the growth of of our medical system. Luigi got it right and sadly took the wrong action.
Do you see a pattern here of a all out push to discredit the efforts of President Trump and RFK Jr. to fix our medical system and perpetuate the fear that only RNA injections will save us from death?
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
I would assume RFK Jr and Trump can simply cancel the EAU authority? If it's not a law passed by Congress and signed by POTUS should be able to terminate.