Early this AM I read Dr. Malone’s article on the fact that the CDC is checking airline passengers who are leaving Uganda for Ebola. My Chapter on Death by Medicine describes Ebola as follows:
There is a horrible disease from the jungles of Central Africa in and around Uganda that instills fear in the villages that are subject to its invasion. It is a deadly viral infection caused by the virus Ebola carried by monkeys, that leads to profuse internal and external bleeding and eventually leading to organ failure.
I have been told over the years that Asian Bird Flu, Swine flu and a number of other viral diseases that now are indigenous in the world came from Biowarfare labs from the US, China and Cuban labs.
This morning’s article from Dr. Malone was describing the seriousness of this issue and my fear level began rising.
We have just started getting past the Covid crisis and now a more deadly viral entity is raising it’s ugly head? We know that the CDC, DARPA and the CIA work in concert in developing gain of function bio weapons. Have they achieved this in Uganda and has it escaped? I pray it is not true.
What was the CDC doing in Ukraines with 13 Bio Labs? Did Putin do us a favor in eradicating these labs? Were they developing a bio weapon that was going to be used against Russia? Is there more to that story? We know the CDC and China’s Wuhan lab were collaborating on gain of function. Result Sars 2 Covid 19?
Dr. Malone has been involved in bio research and has inside knowledge and he is warning us of the new risk. Rather than testing for Ebola, they should SHUT DOWN all travel to and from Uganda now! I remember the report that Fauci, the chief bio man arguing against President’s Trump’s order to shut down International Flight to prevent the spread of Covid.
If this is ACT II, then we need to burn down all the Bio Labs around the world before we eradicate life on earth and return the planet to the microbes, who will then rebuild a new earth without humans. On second thought, it may be the better way since man has lost it’s moral compass. I hope not.
If you have not read “Death by Medicine” you should.
My negative thoughts for the day.
Dr. Braun,
I have been reading your substacks for quite a while. I discovered you through The “Coffee and Covid” Substack by Jeff Childers.
I have appreciated all you have written and thank you for it.
This may be completely off subject, however I will ask, because you have been writing about past medicines and how they came to be, such a Zomax etc. and their affects on the human body.
My question to you is what are your thoughts on biologics and other medications that are used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Thank you.
Will Malone push for the next "pandemic"?
He is the developer of "safe and effective" vaccines for Ebola and Zika.
I'm shocked that people will fall for it, but yes, they will. The next pandemic of fear...
No, it's just technology. Nano tech allows for those "outbreaks"