This statistical analysis is not readily available in the US since they are hiding the truth. This is data from England. Clearly, these excess deaths are caused by being injected and are ignored by the medical community.
RFK Jr. in his speech said, we have 4.2% of the world population and had16% of the deaths from the Covid crisis. Why?
80 to 89-year-olds
The following chart shows the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status among 80 to 89-year-olds for Non-Covid-19 deaths in England between January and May 2022 –
Again we see the same pattern among 80-89-year-olds as seen among 70-79-year-olds, with the unvaccinated the least likely to die every month since the turn of the year.
In April, double vaccinated 80-89-year-olds were 213% more likely to die than unvaccinated 80-89-year-olds, with a mortality rate of 7598.9 per 100k among the unvaccinated and a mortality rate of a troubling 23,781.8 per 100k among the double vaccinated.
But in the same month, partly vaccinated 80-89-year-olds were a terrifying 672% more likely to die than unvaccinated 80-89-year-olds, with a shocking mortality rate of 58,668.9 per 100k among the partly vaccinated.
By May 2022, triple vaccinated 80-89-year-olds were 142% more likely to die than unvaccinated 80-89-year-olds, with a mortality rate of 14,002.3 among the triple vaccinated and a mortality rate of 5,789.1 among the unvaccinated.
90 + year-olds
The following chart shows the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status among 90+ year-olds for Non-Covid-19 deaths in England between January and May 2022 –
If you want to see the total statistical analysis go to:
Thank God I refused to be vaccinated. My risk of dying from the injections or being hospitalized and forced to be given the Fatal Fauci Death treatment is turning out to be a greater risk than having the virus do you in!
Thomas A Braun RPh.
I’m glad I’m not senile, have dementia or Alzheimers because they could do with me what they want!
PS: Think of all the famous Americans who were in their senior years and we suddenly lost them! General Colin Powell comes to mind for one. Many more.
Why should these stats be shocking? We were already told at the new defunct Georgia Guidestones the fasco-Marxists want the world population, due to their flawed understanding of Malthusianism, down to 500mm.
UKs Dr. Vernon Coleman, discusses why those who get the Covid shot will die early. Exactly as the vile Ezekiel Emanuel advocated in his Atlantic article, Why I Hope to Die at 75 (helpful hint to Zeke – if you want to “check out” early, we won’t object!) In sum, life expectancy will drop dramatically. Dr. Coleman’s site for a deeper dive is at
Heart problems are now just a permanent part of our lives, thanks to the jab, and deaths of the elderly will just be dismissed as naturally occurring, including those dying at the gym; they are trying to normalize all the heart issues. (And yes, they are blaming fake global warming, too). People will also have compromised immune systems, which of course will necessitate even more jabs, and vax passports will morph into digital passports for all you buy and sell. Neurological issues will become rampant, and fertility problems may be next, including impacts to the fetuses (can you say “thalidomide? DES (and attendant cancers, which took 40 years to become fully apparent)?” And what happens to those babies when they grow up?
Dr. Ryan Cole says he has seen a 20x increase in endometrial cancer, and he expects other cancers to increase, often due to impaired immune systems. Will aspirin or warfarin use cause worse bleeding? What about interactions with other drugs that we know nothing about? He is also concerned that the shot effects are going to be cumulative. Immunosuppressed people will possibly become a reservoir for viruses might more easily mutate. Of course, re. deaths, authorities will blame the unvaxxed, or say they are caused by “new variations.” There will also be effects on the brain (the shot contents do cross the blood/brain barrier, BTW, ). Many (not all!) of the jabbed will have a massively reduced life span, and, he says “I don’t believe that is an accident.” He suspects many of the jabbed will have perhaps 5 years to live. Again, I refer you to the vile, filthy, evil, disgusting and – did I say vile yet? – article by Obamacare architect Emanuel Why I Hope to Die at 75.Folks, IT IS ALL RIGHT OUT THERE IN THE OPEN FOR US POOR, UNWASHED USELESS EATERS
And as usual with the left, everything they do is projected onto others – see the fasco-Marxist left’s “pushing granny over the cliff” ad/video from a few years back , which was some emotional screed against sensible medical reforms. Fact is, it is the fasco-Marxist left who want to push granny over the cliff, but their modus operandi is to always blame others for what they themselves do.
Those graphs are heartbreaking.
I lost my father long before the pandemic commenced. He was able to meet and know my two oldest sons for a short while; they were 6 and 3 when he passed. He didn't meet my youngest; and my three younger brothers never had the joy of seeing their own dad love their kiddos.
The elderly that were abandoned, scared, and left to see their family through photos and window panes was such a hard thing for me to watch as it happened...a waste of precious, irreplaceable time.
The children that will not get to experience a grandparent's love is unconscionable. Our elders are our link to history...they carry wisdom in those wrinkles, meant to be passed on to future generations. The heartless disregard for the population that holds our history, that should be revered, is one of the evils of this time that cannot be properly articulated with words.
Thank you for posting and calling attention to the forgotten...