Excellent Summary of Covid Crisis
Thank you Margaret Anna Alice for this analysis. Should be forward to all.
Hot off the presses, below is my latest response to a Covidian comment. As previously promised, I don’t intend to argue with him if he responds (unless he’s genuinely open to removing his blindfold), but his simple comment represented such a perfect synopsis of the four Big Lies used to massage the public mind into compliance that I couldn’t resist replying.
Bob: Millions have died due to COVID. I’m not sure what point you are making. Masking has scientifically been shown to reduce spread if [sic] COVID, and vaccines have greatly reduced death rates. If we had taken COVID more seriously, so, so many lives could have been saved.
MAA: Hello, Bob :-) I see you have a lot of catching up to do on all the lies we’ve been bombarded with so we would accept totalitarianism, relinquish our rights, blissfully chuck our freedoms onto the funeral pyre of history, and volunteer for an experimental product that puts our lives and health at risk.
I don’t have time to go over everything you’ve been deceived about and I’ve promised to stop wasting time arguing with Covidians, so I’ll just give you a synopsis and point you to articles with thousands of substantiating references should you be open-minded enough to assess them and turn away from the scary images that have been projected on the wall of Plato’s Propaganda Cave to gaslight us into obedience.
1) The “millions who have died due to COVID” died from hospicide via remdesivir, ventilation/intubation, and starvation, among other financially incentivized murder protocols designed to puff the COVID “death” count. Add in the misuse of PCR tests to inflate the case and death tallies as well as the admitted practice of counting of deaths “with” instead of “from” COVID, and voìla, you’ve got “millions of COVID deaths” to terrify the masses into compliance!
Those who did actually die from COVID did so unnecessarily because they were not given life-saving early treatment protocols. Why? Because it was necessary to discredit cheap, existing treatments for pharmaceutical companies to acquire the emergency use authorizations that protected them from lawsuits for the experimental injectable product that the CDC has now received 1,432,467 reports of adverse events for, including 31,330 deaths. Given the significant underreporting factor, the global death tally is suspected to be anywhere from 12 million to 20 million and counting daily.
2) “Masking has scientifically been shown to reduce spread if COVID”—I’m surprised you still believe this lie as even normies are waking up to the fact that this was another tactic used to frighten people into conformity to authoritarian measures. Not only are masks incapable of preventing the spread of respiratory viruses, but they are actually harmful—as a century’s worth of data had already proven, hence Dr. Mengelauci’s initial statement that masks did not work when he was still going by real science instead of political science.
3) “vaccines have greatly reduced death rates”—only in the scripts of the BigPharma-billion-dollar–funded propagandists, not reality. See #1 as well as these articles:
If you are tempted to reply, here are a couple of exchanges so you can read my responses and pretend I’m responding to you since you are dittoing the same pre-scripted talking points all other Covidians mindlessly repeat on command:
4) “If we had taken COVID more seriously, so, so many lives could have been saved.”
Shutting down the world; crashing the global economy; plunging billions of people into poverty; abusing and traumatizing children; and causing millions of unnecessary deaths for a disease with a 99.9% percent survivability rate for most people wasn’t taking COVID seriously enough? Okay, gotcha.
Clearly, you are suffering from a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome and believe if only we had licked the totalitarians’ boots harder, everything would have been so much better.
Should you decide to recover from your willful blindness like previous vaxx-pushers Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Dr. Paul Offit, Dr. John Campbell, and Dr. Drew, here is a 12-step recovery program to get you started:
And here’s a documentary to launch you on your journey toward awakening:
I hope you will take the time to review this potentially life-saving information so you can shake off your illusions, stop being a Good German, and redirect your anger from those trying to wake you up to the tyrants, philanthropaths, colluders, and lavishly compensated liars attempting to enslave and suddenly-die us off.
I apologize in advance if this offends you. It’s not you, personally. After dealing with countless Covidians who would rather subject themselves and their fellow humans to further decimation and tyranny than take the time to review the scientific evidence disproving the lies, my patience has grown threadbare. Imagine how exasperating it feels to be met with the same automaton scripts robotically mouthed by those unwilling to spend a few hours reviewing the evidence I have painstakingly assembled from thousands of hours of research and tens of thousands of articles, lectures, interviews, and expert testimonies.
If you aren’t awake by now—after even a Pfizer executive admitted to the European Parliament that their product had never been tested to see if it prevents transmission and Pfizer only tested its bivalent booster on eight mice and Moderna tested it on ten (as a bonus, they all got COVID)—then there may be no hope for you.
If, on the other hand, you are willing to evaluate the resources I’ve provided and reconsider your media-implanted views, then I’d be delighted to be proven wrong as you would be the first person I’ve met with faith in the MSM narrative to do so. I would absolutely applaud you for exhibiting the courage and humility it requires to admit that you’ve been suckered and would welcome you to the millions of scientists, doctors, and other brave human beings fighting to protect truth, liberty, and humanity from those using COVID as a “window of opportunity” to “reset” the world to a digital panopticon of total biosurveillance.
Judging from your sweet doggie avatar, you are likely a very nice person whose niceness has been weaponized by behavioral psychologists and academics crafting messaging campaigns to manipulate you with goal-post–jumping Big Lies fabricated to shock-and-awe, carrot-and-stick you into submission.
I am sorry that happened to you and so many other innocent people who trusted an industry with a lengthy history of fraud, corruption, and homicide along with its captured agencies, governments, and marketing outlets. Someday—soon, I hope—you will realize what they’ve done to you and billions of other people and will join the rest of us in trying to bring them to justice.
Nice job. Your essay is smooth and apologetic.
Absolutely brilliant compilation of resources .. thank you for your efforts!