The FDA is having problems dealing with contaminated generics from China and India, dealing with Covid related decisions for mRNA injections and now the latest, the contamination of baby formula with deadly bacteria that was killing newborns.
Abbott Laboratories sell Similac under a variety of names and accounts for 33% of the US market. Last year, a whistle blower at the Similac plant in Michigan notified the FDA that there were manufacturing problems and the formula being produced was contaminated.
The report from the whistle blower came into the FDA on Oct 20th of 2021, and the recall of the contaminated formula didn’t take place till February 17th of 2022.
When Similac was removed from the market, a shortage of baby formula for babies was created and mothers are now scrambling to find formula to feed their infant. The shelves are bare, and availability is being rationed.
The basic issue is that the majority of FDA funding comes from the Drug manufacturers who pay a license fee to the FDA to produce prescription drugs.
The funding is allocated to the process of developing and approving new drugs for the manufacturers. In other words, the focus is not on monitoring the manufacturers’ ability to produce safe and effective drugs, medical devices and OTC products such as baby formula, but to grind out newer and more expensive forms of therapeutics that are proprietary, profitable and patentable.
The FDA is failing to protect American citizens from contaminated drugs coming from China and India which is documented in the inspection reports of the few plants that are inspected that continue to violate GMP’s. An American company called Valisure, is testing some of these drugs and is notifying the FDA to recall those that they find are contaminated.
The FDA does not have the funding and staff to properly monitor the manufacturers on a regular basis to prevent harm coming to American citizens. Several years ago, the FDA took charge of a Tylenol plant in Puerto Rico, because they could not properly produce Tylenol. For years Tylenol was in short supply. Another example that never hit mainstream media because they don’t want to stop an important source of advertising revenue.
It is up to Congress to stop Big Pharma from influencing the FDA decisions for their benefit and ignoring the need to protect Americans from the harm that is being created because the FDA is not run objectively but is manipulated by economic and political forces that skew their ability to protect you and me!
The Federal Government supports the WIC program that provides baby formula to mothers who can’t afford the outrageously expensive formula that is being sold. What is being ignored is the fact that mothers should be encouraged to breast feed because it is nature’s way of improving the infant’s ability to stay healthy. A little-known fact is that if the mother is deficient in vitamin D, she can’t’ breast feed because the breast-feeding gene can’t be turned on. Another interesting fact is the mother will not conceive if she breasts feeds and will not have to deal with another infant in less than a year.
Currently, we are now hearing reports of the negative effects of the mRNA injections, and it is estimated that 30% of the airline pilots who got injected have heart issues. Moderna wants the FDA to approve their injections for our infants, which is another misguided action that will create more harm. It is also being reported that the Pfizer drug that now competes with ivermectin, called Paxlovid has major side effect issues.
It’s time the Congressman we elected “DO YOUR JOB” and properly fund the FDA so they can “DO THEIR JOB!”. In the meantime, we are the victims of failed policies that don’t protect American citizens from harm in the medical arena.
The one billion dollars used to instill fear in the American public about Covid would have been better spent funding the FDA.
Dear Readers. If you agree. Copy and paste and send to your Congressman at
The agencies like to laugh at our expectations