Dr. Paul Alexander’s experience in 2020 working at NIH and what his fellow cohorts had to say is worth reading and explains why we are still going down the injection pathway.
In addition, the following analysis explains how mass psychology has been used to control the mindset of the masses and to have them accept nano drug injections as the only medical solution to a man made virus.
FULL ARTICLE: Help or Harm? – HART (hartgroup.org) (May have to copy and paste into your web browser)
Finally, Tucker Carlson has the courage to express his opinion and anlysis of how three people are the lynch pin that keeps us submissive to the viral narrative.
Tucker Carlson: People who made false COVID claims have even more power than ever | Fox News Video
(May have to copy and paste into your web browser)
There are many courageous medical people speaking out, but until we have many politicians in DC join the speak out, we will continue to be in this medical morase. My view is all in DC who don’t say STOP THE INJECTIONS should be voted out of office regardless of political affiliation!
Thomas A Braun RPh
The path to GOOD Health is Good Nutrition including ample Vitamin D over 50 ng's and void of toxins from the food supply, drugs/injections and the environment, coupled with exercise and mind body harmony. I call it N2E+ for Life.