Follow the Science! To Where?
Dr. Malone created the science of having RNA injections trick the immune system. To what end?
The messenger Ribo Nucleatic Acid (mRNA) is defined as ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses RNA rather than DNA carries the genetic information.
So, now the medicine man says we can improve on God’s design by manipulating the RNA by injection to reprogram cellular function and improve on the health of animal or man. In other words, we can now HACK the human genome! WEF is very happy because we can HACK humans. Develop a superior race? We can reprogram humans! To what end? Reduce world population by the billions? Fix genetic mistakes? Improve on defending against pathogens? Increase brain power? Muscle power? Redesign humans to better fit into a AI enviroment?
In the animal world, since WWII we have been improving on how cattle are raised to increase protein yield. First, it was discovered that if you feed them corn and housed them in corrals, th cattle would fatten up faster. Then they discovered if we injected them with DES (Diethyl stibesterol) we would again improve on muscle mass. Then they discovered that DES caused cancer. A friend of mine many years ago died of stomach cancer because his favorite frequent meal was a rare filet of meat. That may have been caused by being a POW in Germany during WWII. Active DES was absorbed each time he ate the meat. The cattle industry then replaced DES with three different injections that would serve the same purpose. This time, they made sure that the injections were not given all the way up to the day of slaughter.
Early in Dr. Malone’s career, he came up with the science that allowed RNA to be injected and absorbed by cells and not alert the immune system that a foreign substance has invaded the body. That was key in developing new methods of treating disease states, and it has been evolving and becoming mainstream over the last 30 years.
In the animal world of cattle and pigs it has been mainstream for some time. The picture above shows a air shipment of RNA being flown to a unknow destination to treat animals via mRNA injections.
QUESTION! Can the injections of RNA into the cattle and pigs be transferred to humans upon consumption of the meat? Do we have a new DES like issue adding to the growing number of cancer cases being reported?
I believe, the preplanned Covid crisis, is the initial push to use mRNA in humans. That’s why Dr. Redfield continues to endorse them and Dr. Hoetz is attacking the unvaccinated as being personna non grata for rejecting the injections. He believes that 200,000 lives were lost becasue of the unvaccinated. Ignores the lives lost because of the wrong medical treatment and the injections themselves. Injections for our children is unconscionable! Someday, the truth will be known that more people died or were injured from the treatment protocol rather that the Covid.
My view: “My body is my temple and does not belong to the medicine man”.
Lew Rockwell has written a good summary of the lies told to manipulate and have Americans embrace the injections.
In turn, Midwestern Doctor has written a great summary of what has transpired and his views from a medical science point of view.
What has not been clearly addressed because it is elusive, is the motivation behind the massive effort to control the Covid narrative.
It is reported that National Academy of Medicine who used to be called Institute of Medicine is going to examine the origin and etc. They are Big Pharma driven and will water down the facts. NAM manipulates medical science for the profit motive and has about 2000 Directors that have propritetary interests! If our brain dead politicians in Clown college DC allows them to be the final word, we will have achieved nothing and will have held no one accountable! Fauci will waltz away free! The fact that billions are being invested in pushing these nano drug/mRNA injections, that the FDA has approved these injections for our children that have less than .1% chance of being harmed, the fact that Moderna is raising their prices on their mRNA injection which is not a vaccine speaks volumes. Is this the new 21st Century allopathic medicine model to treat disease states for profit and NOT good health.!
Could it be that this 3 year crisis has a much darker side?
We look at the actions of the individuals involved in the development and management of this preplanned man made crisis, but the motivation is elusive. Why? The push to inject has not ceased even though there is great evidence that the injections and the wrong medical treatment caused great harm and was responsible for many more deaths than what VAERS reports. The fact that they are building more facilities to manufactuer millions and millions of more vials of mRNA is full steam ahead. Dr. Redfield threw Fauci under the bus, but still believes the injections must go forward. Dr. Hoetz has taken up the Fauci mantle and believes the unvaccinated need to be corralled and injected because they were responsible for the supposed deaths of 200,000 Ameicans. The Covid masters ignore the central role of the Immune system in preventing disease states. They deny the central role the hormone form of Vitamin D has in supporting the gene expressions of over 3000 genes. The massive propaganda machine that could only have been achieved through massive control by DOD/CIA is ignored. What is realy transpiring and the real motivation needs to be exposed. Where are the whitle blowers who know the truth? Are we already in a WWIII biowar with the intent to disrupt civilizations around the world to prevent them from going forward with plans to use atomic bombs? Is Iran and North Korea loose cannons and need to be stopped? Are we wanting to destabilize China and Russia and need to cover the intent by allowing US citizens to be harmed as collateral damage. They are already warning of a triple threat aerosol virus which will be much more deadly. Mike Adams is reporting the next round will be with a deadly bird flu virus. Was Covid just a warm up to what is coming? Do the Clowns in Congress and the Executive branch know the truth and that is why they keep pushing the narrative. Only a few are digging for the truth.
Are we headed towards the extermination of the human race. Are we speeding up the sixth extinction of life on earth?
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh.
Thank you. I guess for just keeping the focus on the big picture, not the people involved.
As a young man, Dr. Malone thought mRNA could be used to cure cancer. He only worked with it in its infancy. Moderna tried for years to use it to cure cancer, with no success. They admitted to a “secret project” in 2017. I think we now know what that was.
Ego, ambition, and turmoil: Inside one of biotech’s most secretive startups
Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine