In the USA, we are experiencing a triple threat of seasonal disease states this winter. The long-forgotten flu that disappeared for three years has now apparently returned with a vengeance. Was it really always there, but was treated as the dreaded Covid virus just to be sure not to make a medical mistake? Diagnosing Covid was a lot more profitable than saying it was just the flu. Take two aspirin, go home and drink a lot of water.
Secondly, a new lung infection has appeared which they are calling RVD, respiratory viral disease and is being seen in our children like never before. The hospitals are filling up and being overwhelmed when there is a staffing shortage for a variety of reasons. Makes good care more of a challenge, and further stresses out the overworked medical staff. I cry for all the children whose parents bought into injecting their children when the risk was almost zero.
Finally, the hospitals continue to see Covid infections in its various mutated forms and are treating those as well. Recently, a newspaper cartoon was published showing the “Three Wise Men” holding their gifts. of Flu, RVD and Covid. Very appropriate for this Christmas season.
The basic question that is not being asked is:
The obvious answer is continued repetitive mRNA injections are negatively impacting the immune system and is degrading its ability to fight off a viral invasion. Data is being reported and confirming this from around the world!
Corporate Medicine is ignoring the obvious answer because it is generating more ill health and increasing the profitability of the drugs being prescribed to treat the medicine man induced disease states.
So, Tylenol, Cough medicine and other cold remedies are in short supply and CVA and Walgreens is rationing them! Tamiflu, which by all measures is statistically not credible in stopping the flu, is also in short supply. One of Gilead’s first big successes when it convinced the US Government to buy 3 Billion dollars’ worth over a decade ago. Now Gilead is enjoying the Remdesivir money push endorsed by Fauci which is causing great harm including death when used to fight the Covid.
So, as we move further into the winter season, there can only be an increase in these disease states because the CDC, Pfizer and Moderna are all continuing to spend millions of dollars in encouraging American citizens to get the booster shots. They are dismayed that only 13% of the population is buying into their continued push to have an experimental injection that reprograms cellular function and prevents the cells from doing their normal cellular function.
I guess if you have 40 million people in the US still buying into the concept that it will save their life, they have a great customer base to continue to push the injections and build new factories.
Here is the report on Moderna’s push to build a new factory in UK that will produce 250 MILLION vials of their non liability injection.
Here is the story on Tamiflu, which has been banned in some countries because of its questionable value, but not in the USA!
We have not seen good medicine the last three years because there has been a dictatorial, one size fits all approach to the man-made virus that has had only one solution, which is a man-made nano drug injection delivered in a mandated fashion with out any liability for causing harm. The perfect profit storm for Big Pharma to call for ‘FULL STEAM AHEAD’ to create nano drug injections as the new profitable drug delivery system. Dr. Fauci was their perfecto orchestra leader.
The continued injections will just create more and more new patients that need medical treatment which could have been avoided in the first place.
The new year will not bring a resolution to our dilemma unless we have courageous authoritative medical men speak out on this issue as well as having our political leadership stop this massive crime against humanity.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh. Retired, but not senile yet!
PS: I bet if they would determine the blood value of Vitamin D they would determine those most ill are highly deficient in Vitamin D, a key component of a strong immune system. They won’t.
Your routine makes no money for Big Pharma!
They have a healthier immune system. Better sun exposure and it produces a lot of Vit D!