Full Steam Ahead Part II
The fog is clearing and 2023 will be of greater concern as the controlers ramp up their activity.
Clarity to who and how we have been subject to this Covid crisis is developing due to astute researchers who are identifying the who and the NEW who’s for 2023.
A new substack writer is a midwest physician who clearly sees the harm that has been created and is writing under a pen name since he is still actively practising medicine and doesn’t want to be targeted for telling the truth. I am retired and don’t care and see the marketing spin in medicine that is creating great harm. Our views are very similar.
The following article by him talks about the Fauci replacement and his bias medical views. We are not turning a corner at the CDC and it is full speed ahead.
Dr. Malone in his current article discusses the World Economic Forum (WEF) whose meeting in January 2023 is all about how they are going to improve the world on a global basis. I’m sure the WEF Chief Physician who declared “Humans are now hackable” will be in attendance!
The following is my comment on these events and the continued alignment of control being developed.
Since WHO and WEF have common goals, would that mean Hotez will show up at WEF? Hotez maybe a nightmare worst than Fauci! He is embracing the WHO push for Global Medical Control of the human race. His claim that 200,000 died because of the unvaccinated is just the reverse of the truth. The death rate of those injected far surpass what he has quoted and the VAERS system only reports the tip of the iceberg. The wrong medical treatment killed many and has been ignored. Changing the medical mindset for fun and profit is a fine art form created more than 50 years ago. There is a whole cadre of accomplished wordsmiths working on behalf of Big Pharma to perpetuate the medical propaganda that shapes and directs the practise of medicine. This has been clearly demonstrated in the last three years by what has transpired in creating a mass psychosis to perpetuate the mRNA injection route as the new 21st century form of medical treatment. If anyone believes that the mass psychosis experienced by the millions and millions of people around the world is a natural phenomena...they are wrong. It is a preplanned mass propaganda event which effectively allowed the greatest crime of humanity to be created. I hope Dr. Malone recognizes this. Hotez video was a well honed demonstration of manipuilated facts to create more fear and compliance. For those interested in how this is accomplished..Go to https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/disinformation-playbook This guide has been effectively used to discredit President Trump, the Antivaxxers, the mRNA refusers to name a few. CIA has used this effectively around the world for years. How else did the Ukraine people embrace Zelensky as their new leader.
An article by the Brownstone Institute uncovers the role that the Biowarfare expert at HHS had in developing the plan in how to manage a biowarfare pandemic. This transpired just in time in October of 2019. What wonderful timing to manage a outbreak in February of 2020! Sure looks like it would make a great book ! Ooops there is one by Robin Cook
This Doctor Kadlec is a dedicated biowarfare guy and is for real! Here is in biography!
Finally, a meeting was held in October 2022, to discuss how to manage the coming Catastropic Contagion that the controlers see coming. I’m sure they don’t believe the way Covid 19 was managed has anything to do with the increase in ill health Americans are experiencing this winter and especially the children.
What great timing again.!
My thoughts for the end of 2022! I think I will order a extra bottle of champagne for New Years Eve. Happy? New Year. Stay Well!
Thomas A Braun RPh
PS: Take 5,000 iu’s of Vitamin D3 daily this winter to keep your immune system strong. I do and my blood value is a normal 70 ng’s.
Support www.grassrootshealth.net who is fighting a good fight to expose the lies being told about why we don’t need Vitamin D supplements by Big Pharma