There are Giants among us that have the determination to seek the truth and tell the truth about our society and the ills that need to be fixed. They can be found on substack, twitter and in other internet media, but ignored by main stream media because of the influence of the left and speciel interests that have hidden agendas.
Epoch Times does a review on the movie called “Sound of Freedom” which has grossed over 100 million dollars. It tells the true story of child trafficking that puts children into physical and mental abuse and harm. The movie was completed over 5 years ago, but Disney choose not to show it in theaters. Why? Also, Government website took down the information that they have lost track of 83,000 children who crossed the US/Mexican border. Why? Mr. Ballard is a giant among men and continues to rescue children being sold or kidnapped into the sex/slave trade.
Epoch Review of Sound of Freedom
Dr. Mercola has rallied against Big Pharma for decades and is marginilized and a victim of character assissination regularly, because his views are based on documented evidence and often point to the harm created by Rx drugs. Consequently, he is targeted. His most recent article discusses ICAN which is Del Bigtree’s life work to expose the harm that is being created with the over vaccination of our children. He also addresses the harm done by the RNA injections which were mandated and informed consent was ignored as well as medical ethics. Two giants among men who have the drive not to quit!
Del Bigtree digs for the truth!
Finally, this morning the AP reported on the testimony of RFK Jr. at the hearing on Free Speech. The headline in the local paper who reprinted a AP article stated: RFK Jr. denies making antisemitic comments. A common ploy of the left to discredit anyone they don’t like or fear, especielly someone who wants the truth to be known. Mass Media ignores what he has to say. Here are two reports on what really transpired at this Congressional inquiry. It is sad that the American public can’t read what actual was said and decide for themselves as to who is the truth teller. RFK Jr. is a Giant among men for his work on enviromental issues as well as defending the rights of our children. Big Pharma doesn’t like him and shows it.
Here is what transpired in the morning as reported by Ms. Nass who attended the meeting:
After recess, the following transpired:
A few cartoons and her personal viewpoint:
Many on the right agree with RFK’s views, but are bothered by his view point on global warming. He has stated, if shown the facts, he will rethink what he believes.
My thought for the day.
I believe about 83 Republicans in the House who voted against having the astute pilots who rejected the jabs from being rehired speaks volumes of how Big Pharma controls the medical narrative here in the US and around the globe! That issue is as large as the Free Speech issue that needs to be fixed! RFK Jr. is embraced in Europe but silenced in the USA because your right to free speech is being subverted! Time for everyone to wake up to the manipulation of our personal rights for financial gain must be stopped NOW!
Thomas A Braun RPh