Going Rogue
Why is it that our checks and balances to maintain a normal society are not working?
There are three recent articles that explore three major issues confronting our civilization that are creating the potential for great harm. All are originating with US policies.
First, the approach to medical research has lost objectivity and is producing great harm as demonstrated with the pseudo Covid crisis. Well explained by Midwest Doc.
The Profound Decline in Medical Research.
In my view: The driver is Barda, (a DOD division) which identifies bio weapons and needs a dedicated antidote for the bio weapon. They believe RNA injections are the solution! Big Pharma believes it will create a new method of treating disease states. Fauci has been key. That is why there is more than 100 RNA research products being actively created. Changing the direction of medicine is a daunting task when billions and billions are being invested in this endeavor. Humans are now classified as lab rats and are being herded. Gates already has reaped billions and brags about achieving a 20 times return on his investment. I see no end in sight when Washington is manipulated by those who have identified these goals as being beneficial.
Second, Joe Biden has authorized the shipment of offense weapons to be sent to Ukraine to bolster the war, which many believe was initiated when NATO violated the agreement that Ukraine would not become part of NATO, because NATO countries agree to have atomic weapons on their soil, and Russia didn’t want atomic bombs next door to Russia. Just like we didn’t want Atomic Bombs in Cuba in 1961. The risk of WWIII is escalating.
Explained in the following article:
Ukraine: Path to a Nuclear War.
The ICE Age millions of years ago was caused by a giant meteor striking the earth and causing a dense cloud cover of fine ash circulating the globe and blocking the sun for many years. The same event can be triggered by many atomic/hydrogen/neutron bombs destroying the civilized world around the globe. The arsenals are deep in Russia, USA and in many other countries. They are on submarines actively cruising the oceans this very day. Maybe that is why Zuckerberg, Facebook founder who donated millions to the voting offices in the blue states is building a massive estate on Kauai with a very large bunker. He knows what is coming?
Finally, the political show trial of Donald Trump is a reflection that all three branches of our federal government in DC have been corrupted and politicized. They can now use tax payer money to prosecute anyone and destroy their perceived enemy by financially destroying them with the cost of legal fees, put them in jail and destroy their ability to earn a living. Many medical professionals who disagreed with the Covid treatment found themselves ostracized and without the ability to earn a income.
Paul Craig Roberts article discusses the criminality of what is transpiring with the Donald Trump show trial to paint him as a crook. In reality, the Trump organization just like Pfizer and all the other major corporations employ lawyers and accountants to minimize their taxes and maximize the profits of the corporation by taking advantage of tax loop holes an etc.
Pfizer paid no federal taxes in 2023 and if I am not mistaken was given billions of dollars from the Joe Biden administration! Thanks JOE!
We desperately need to restore a constitutional government that is run by the people for the people. Bottom up and not top down which is how it is being run today.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh.
PS: I believe it will take a Constitutional Convention to stop what is transpiring.