“Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit, and they have free will, and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will, that’s over.”
That is a public statement made at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum run by Klaus Schwab who has the vision of a one world government. The statement was delivered by Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, an official WEF contributor. Many of the leaders of our governments around the world are members of the WEF plus including Bill Gates. The Clintons including their daughter have also been indoctrinated. The list is long. (The video of Harari stating this has been deleted from YouTube)
The fact that the current Sars2/Covid man made virus will only cause the death of less that .2% of the population, the Covid narrative was pumped up to become a global pandemic. Dr. Malone’s analysis of why almost no one would die if their immune system was whole, explains in the following article what is being ignored by the medicine man for power, money and ego. Today, it is reported that the medicine men at CDC including Collins and Fauci received their shares of $350 million dollars in Royalities for pushing the vaccination routines.
Preventable Deaths and D3. - by Robert W Malone MD, MS (substack.com)
Bill Gates is now publishing a book called “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic”. Considering the fact that he is heavily invested in Vaccine manufacturers stocks and has already reaped billions and billions of dollars in stock appreciation, I’m sure he will not agree with Dr. Malone and common-sense methods of beating any pathogenic invasion. What he has bought into is the fact that your DNA can be hacked to prevent procreation and reduce world population.
My children all bought into the narrative that they must get the man-made mRNA injection that reprograms cellular function. For two years my two daughters dodged the bullet until recent public events. They both acquired Covid and recovered rapidly because they have vibrant immune systems with ample Vitamin D, which I have been preaching to them for the last decade. The fear mongers will say that it is because they got the injections that the duration of covid was short. What I fear is how their life spans have been altered by the injections. Will they experience ill effects long term? Time will tell.
It is now reported that WHO is now assuming the role of controlling the global response to any future viral invasion. They will formulate the rules for managing another “pandemic” on a global basis, including controlling travel, vaccination status and treatment options that will be allowed. Not only are we hackable, but we are also controllable and are in the process of losing our free will.
My fear is that those who have had multiple injections including many boosters have now become candidates for ADE (antibody-dependent enhanced) response that allows them to become super spreaders of the Covid virus when they become infected. The pro mRNA medicine men say this will not happen. It is reported that about 60% of the US population has antibodies to the Covid, which leave about 100 million who still have not been exposed. The super spreaders can quickly change this, and I fear that is what is currently developing. In turn, the last wave of the Covid looks like it is coming, and the WHO?CDC ill conceived medical protocol will be readily embraced by the politicians.
The question in my mind, is what will be the rules for non-vaccinated like myself who acquired the Covid and have natural immunity. I don’t have a yellow card, or a green card or any other travel document that says I was injected. I believe my body is my temple, and no one has the right to invade it. My immune system is whole and I’m rich in vitamin D. I believe in God’s creation of man and don’t believe that man has the right to play God and invade my cells with RNA injections that alter my genome. I will not allow my body to be hacked. It’s time for a 11th Commandment:
Thou shall not play God and hack my body, mind or my soul for power and greed and usurp God’s domain.
Thomas A Braun RPh thomasabraunrph@substack.com
The path to GOOD Health is Good Nutrition including ample Vitamin D over 50 ng's and void of toxins from the food supply, drugs/injections and the environment, coupled with exercise and mind body harmony. I call it N2E+ for Life.
Ken developed Covidd right after Pneumonia and is is recovering from the Covid which created a Kidney problem. They told him to stop the Vit D3 because it caused him to have too much Calcium in his system. What do you say about that?
Great Article to read on this fateful Tuesday in April 2022. Love the title. And we have indeed become hackable. The strides we may have made in genetics are more than outweighed by these trendy and clumsy attempts to improve on Mother Nature. What perfect hubris and how liable to result in just how hubris to be managed by the gods in mythology. Icarus will once again fly into the sun, the waxed feathered wings carefully crafted by his father, up in flames as Icarus flew too close. The much celebrated, lauded science of genetics a mere vanity which destroys all of our vaunted evolutionary progress. The current wave of hepatitis of unknown cause - yeah, this turning from a comment into a post. Better go work on it. Thanks for inspiring me to write - I think?