Will the sovereignty of 194 Nations around the globe be erased in May of 2024?
Will the CONTROL be in the hands of WHO and the POWER be in the hands of WEF and Big Pharma?
The following video speaks to the issue.
The Biden Administration is by passing Congress to move forward and embrace this 21 Century travesty! STOP IT NOW!
There are so many truth seekers whose voices need to be heard to improve the plight of man on this beautiful planet called Mother Earth.
Your health issues would dimmish if your blood value of Vitamin D would be over 50 ng’s. Not 30 ng’s which NIH says is OK. Cancer levels would drop in half overall. Dr. Grant has published an analysis that proves this! Covid deaths were few and far between in those who acquired Covid and had a blood value of vitamin D over 50 ng’s! That included yours truly as well as my Gail! We are in the so-called high-risk category. This NEGATES any reason to inject! Not the end game for Big Pharma which wants to discredit the true value of Vitamin D! The highest readership level of my followers on substack was on my following article about “Why the Medicine Man doesn’t understand the true value of vitamin D.!
Here is Dr. Grant’s research. A deep dive!
Cutting cancer rates and vitamin D.
This is their summary statement on Vitamin D and cancer that says it all!
Together, these effects reflect a multilevel anticancer action of vitamin D. Therefore, an appropriate vitamin D status of the organism should be maintained to minimize the risk and severe consequences of many neoplasias. Further supporting this, the toxicity of vitamin D supplementation is limited, acceptable, and clearly lower than that of current anticancer drugs and therapies. We are not aware of any other natural or synthetic compound that has such an array of antitumor activities combined with low toxicity. Doubtless, the available experimental results meet Koch’s postulate for biological causality regarding the existence of a global mechanism of action behind the association between vitamin D deficiency and high incidence and, especially, the mortality of several major cancer types found in observational and epidemiological studies. Hopefully, the further development of current and possibly, novel studies on the wide range of mechanisms of VDR agonists in a variety of biological systems will allow us to elucidate the anticancer action of vitamin D (Figure 3
Here are my views on Vitamin D. Not a cure all, but an essential component for maintaining good health. Pass this on to all friends and family who are struggling with health issues!
Why Medicine man doesn't get it!
There are a number of women on a mission to have their voices heard about how to reverse the issues driving the bloated health care system which is TOO EXPENSIVE for all!
Zen Honeycutt www.momsacrossamerica.com
Carole Baggerly www.grassrootshealth.net
Meryl Nass www.merylnass@substack.com
Simone Gold Frontline Physicians
Thanks for listening. Pray that this medical madness ends soon! DO NOT COMPLY!
Thomas A Braun RPh
Murdering psychopaths