In the 1800’s, only the elderly who were waiting indoors to die developed cancer. Since then, it is now common place to have all ages develop cancers. What has changed is that we are dealing with processed foods being the number one source of nutrition. They may be store bought or found in fast food restaurants. Chipotle is the only one I know of the fast food restaurants that is delivering non-processed organic like foods. I have also dined at some restaurants such as Dr. Weil’s True Food which is not well known. Also ate breakfast at First Watch which is a chain in Arizona that only has brown sugar and stevia on the table for sweetening your coffee. The deadly four, white sugar, Equal, Splenda and saccharin are missing. The bottom line is the addition of multiple chemicals in trace amounts approved by the FDA are added to a myriad of processed food products. The cumulative negative effect on the health of the individual is ignored and not known for sure. The combination of poor nutrition and the accumulation of trace toxins can contribute to the development of cancers. If you stop at the mega gas stations that pump gas on our interstates, you will find the best array of processed foods that satisfy your taste buds, but deliver poor nutrition and lots of trace chemicals. That’s why I believe in Good Nutrition with out trace toxins, Nutrient supplements to make up for deficiencies, Exercise and a positive mind-body stress free life for longevity. I call it N2E+ for Life. Been presenting my viewpoint to seniors in lectures for years.
A key nutrient called Vitamin D, which is not a vitamin, but a hormone that controls the expression of about 3000 genes is deficient in most Americans. NIH embraces the research that says you only need 20 ng’s in you body. Truth is that to keep your immune system healthy you need at least 50 ng’s based on research that I have read. Mine is 70 ng’s and I beat Covid hands down twice without injections. I am in the high risk category.
To learn more about how the lack of Vitamin D plays into ill health is well express by Midwestern Doctor, who does not reveal his true identity because he will be targeted for telling the truth about how medicine today has been hijacked for profit rather than good health. The following is a deep dive into that issue and the role of Vitamin D.
If the medicine man would routinely check their patients for Vitamin D deficiency and correct accordingly with moderate exposure to the sun and/or Vitamin D pills or drops our health issues in the US would diminish. Unfortunately, the rules are that you need a Vitamin D illness diagnosis to have this happen. It’s medical gamesmanship. Those who acquired the Covid and had high Vitamin D blood levels beat it hands down, including myself. No injections of RNA required that reprograms cellular function and the blue print of life. Learned today that they found bird flu virus in cow’s milk in Texas. I don’t know if this means they are setting us up for the next medical fear, or just want to destroy cows like they have done with chickens raised in crowded tin barns that have had the bird flu virus emerge. They can solve that problem by giving them the space in the sun that they require.
You don’t have to go to a physician to get a Vitamin D blood test. It can be done by mail. Go to and learn how to do it.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh.
I didn't beat it hands down, but did beat it. My vit. D level was 106 when I began my 2-month stay (5 weeks on a ventilator) for covid. I was 49, with comorbidities. I barely survived, and now have permanent lung fibrosis, but by the grace of God, I'm still here with my husband and kids 2 years later.
Hormone D has been villified by clueless members of the medical cartel.
It is easy and cheap to supplement even for those of us living near the tropics.
Ventilators for over a weeks are well established to cause permanent issues,
and are HIGHLY compensated by insurance Co's. That is the simple explanation they are the treatement of choice for hypoxia.
Personally know of a person who is going blind. Her friend suggested she look directly at recent eclipse. She lived very near where it was a full eclipse. She did so thinking nothing to loose.
Her opthamologist verified a marked improvement in her failing vision, and was stumped.
Not suggesting anyone do or do not employ that strategy, just reporting.