When was the last time you experienced mind-body harmony? When did you feel at peace and were happy with your lifestyle? When did your body not express pain, either physical or mental? We are living in a time when it is almost impossible to achieve this state of Homeostasis.
Here is what Homeostasis means:
In biology, homeostasis is the state of steady internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by living systems. This is the condition of optimal functioning for the organism and includes many variables, such as body temperature and fluid balance, being kept within certain pre-set limits (homeostatic range). Other variables include the pH of extracellular fluid, the concentrations of sodium, potassium, and calcium ions, as well as that of the blood sugar level, and these need to be regulated despite changes in the environment, diet, or level of activity. Each of these variables is controlled by one or more regulators or homeostatic mechanisms, which together maintain life.
What is not stated, is the fact that the diet must be rich in nutrients to allow your 27 TRILLION cells in your body function according to the blueprint of life created by nature or God, depending on your belief system.
Each cell in your body is a complex biological machine with a myriad of functions to perform that work in concert with the body as a whole to achieve homeostasis.
Along comes man with the concept that he can improve on God’s design (my belief) by reprogramming cellular function with a man-made mRNA injection that by passes the immune system defense of the body by hiding the virus (just like a computer virus) like particle to trick the immune system into not reacting to this foreign pathogen that reprograms cellular function. Evidence keeps mounting that the medicine men do not have a clue as to what long term impact this mRNA injection will have on the health of those who accepted this injection. I also stand by my belief that this is just the first of many more injections to come to treat disease states, because it is patentable, profitable, and proprietary. You must look no further than to discover how many patents the CDC and their researchers own on this type of injection.
The electron microscope picture shown below demonstrate the complexity of the human cell. The mRNA injection reprograms the ribosome body production which is a small component of cellular function.
Creating the ability to accept this injection could only be accomplished by re-educating the global population through lies and subterfuge to create fear of death and compliance and transmitting the medical message that only a pseudo vaccine will save humanity from death. The man made Covid 19 virus becomes the conduit to accomplish this goal.
The mass use of “Group Think” was activated to achieve this goal. A Billion dollar mass media budget was funded by the CDC to accomplish this goal.
Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of individuals reaches a consensus without critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternatives. Groupthink is based on a common desire not to upset the balance of a group of people. This desire creates a dynamic within a group whereby creativity and individuality tend to be stifled in order to avoid conflict.
The Allopathic medicine model embraces the concept that the cure for disease states can be treated by drugs/injections created by Big Pharma, and not from within. The opposing view is that living a lifestyle which ensures a diet rich in nutrients and void of toxins from the food supply and the environment and other sources will optimize your health. This is not to say, that there are drug interventions that can save lives. The point is that there is a denial that there are NOT alternative medical treatments, which “DO NO HARM” that can successfully be used to treat disease states. It is painfully obvious with this man made Covid crisis that this is what has transpired. All treatment options which are readily available have been discredited when the truth is just the opposite. The frontline physicians received NO CDC guidance in practicing the optimal treatment methods that 1000’s of physicians learned to use to reduce the harm of the covid. Instead, they have been criticized, ostracized and marginalized for their practice.
The following article is from Bill Sardi, who, like I, embrace this concept. It is now being reported that Big Pharma, is ready to push a bill through Congress that will vastly restrict citizens right to buy supplements that will help you counteract the impact of toxins from causing disease states and improve your nutritional base. They have already gone after NAC (N-Acetyl Cystine) which is essential for liver health in its Glutathione form and is the solution to prevent dying from acetaminophen (Tylenol) poisoning and is also essential component for beating viral invasions like Covid.
Bill Sardi’s article discusses the negative impact of these mRNA injections on the body’s nutritional levels. Cellular function is corrupted when key nutrients have been depleted. Read and learn and pray we stop going down this medical path. The next Covid crisis may end human life forever.
The article is long, but the bottom line is that identifying nutrient deficiencies such as Vitamin D (above 50 ng’s is optimal) will be of great value in keeping you well. Nutrient testing is available through www.spectracell.com and some other labs.
It is beyond my comprehension that our governmental officials around the world have rolled over and not challenged what has transpired over the last two years and the root cause. Accepting an experimental injection that has now been administered to 100’s of millions around the world without any knowledge of the long-term effects of the injection wrong. Can be especially damaging to our children who have very little risk.
Great piece! Was a physiology student, pre-med, back in the day and homeostasis was fundamental to any understanding. Our world is so polluted in so many ways that yes it is extremely difficult to achieve such a state. Modern corporate medicine is far from a help. A return to fundamentals is critical to any steps forward. In the song "Idiot Wind" speaks to what this feels like in 2020-22. In fact Dylan does a super job of describing all this. Orwell sure, but many others.