Humanity at Great Risk of Extinction
Why does man believe he can fix disease states by drug/injection intervention?
The FDA has now approved experimentation on our children from 6 months old to 5 years old where risk of dying from the man made virus is negligible and we have no idea what the long term impact will be on the lives of these babies. They have approved 3 shots of less potency for maximimizing the profitability.
Dr. Alexander has posted the following that explains the subterfuge that was used to push this Covid crisis down the path to mRNA injections. Read it and feel his anger.
LIES! Every single COVID policy by Fauci, Birx, Francis Collins, Ashish Jha, Njoo, Tam, Doug Ford, CDC, NIH, PHAC, Health Canada, SAGE (US, Canada, etc.), all, every single one failed! JAIL them!!!!! (
May have to copy and paste Dr. Alexanders article to read it.
Then read my comment which follows:
Whew! I feel the anger! The root cause is the allopathic medicine model promolgated by the Rockefeller Foundation for more than a century. Prevention and Reversal of disease states is not the focus. It is the Band-Aid approach that rewards those who develop pallative drug treatments that amoilerate the symptoms of disease states that are proprietary, profitable and patentable. Vaccines without liability and now injections that alter cellular function will become the NEW 21st Century approach to treating disease states. Over 200 drug manufactuers see that nano drug injections which trick the immune system and are designed to alter the DNA of humans is the ultimate form of drug delivery for profit. Now that they have reached the stage where Emergency Use precludes them from being responsible for the GREAT HARM they cause for humanity allows them to experiment on the human race without fear of liability. We must stop this experiment on humanity! That is the challenge for those who understand the truth and the great harm that will be delivered to humanity if we continue down this path.! For those who want to learn more: Read the book "The Code Breakers" We have very smart scientists who are unraveling the function of our DNA at the cellular level and believe they can improve on God's design. The creation of a man made enhanced virus that can only be tamed by a man made nano injection reflects the great harm that has already been delivered to the human race in the last two years. The final insult is the approval of 3 injections of mRNA to be adminstered to our babies! WE must stop it now!
Administering mRNA injections to our young children is a huge and evil insult, do doubt. Growing evidence of Graphene Oxide being contained in our foods and being engineered to deliver medications is another huge insult. The growing desire to foist NanoBiology of all sorts on a hapless population is yet another.
Here's a link to a Singularity Summit from 2019 which details many of the planned interventions: