Here is a chart that confirms my sum of all fears! It is historical data from England that shows the climbing death rate among the VACCINATED!
Our Daily Hearld today encourged everyone to get the injections this fall to save their lives. This was my letter to the Editor.
Today's editorial encouraging Daily Hearld readers to get injected supports the push by Big Pharma to create injections as the new form of managing disease states.
They can do this without LIABILITY because of the EAU and the 1986 Vaccine act. Consequently, it is full steam ahead to push these injections on all Americans under the miss guided propaganda narrative that they will die if they don't get the injections.
There are two Big Pharma Lobbyists for each Congressman in DC. Our congressman are captive to Big Pharma and will NOT voice any negative narratives suggesting they be investigated and/or have our NIH arms revamped to work for the health of the American public and not Big Pharma.
This is what they know that is not being told to the American public.
We need to turbo charge the fear factor that Covid is deadly to keep the march to have RNA injections as a new form of medical treatment for disease states moving forward. We need to discredit and ignore the fact that there are simple medical protocols, including boosting the immune system, which will easily combat any fear of dying from the Covid con. The billions and billions we are investing require a return on the investment as soon as possible! We can’t allow humanity to understand that they have become our lab rats to push forward a proprietary profitable new form of drug treatment!
The INCREASED risk of serious side effects and or death from the TRIPLE injections is real. The VAERS system which documented only a few of the adverse reactions to the RNA injections is a harbinger of what is to come.
Dr. Kessler who ran the FDA in the 1990's stated that only 1% of adverse drug/vaccine reactions were being reported.
The Daily Herald has to have the courage to tell all sides of the story.
Publish the following article from Dr. Malone who was a pioneer in developing the RNA injections and was marginalized because he finally realized the push to inject was being done on a cavalier basis and without the normal safeguards. He has a major following around the world!
He is the expert, and the editors at the Hearld are just going along to get along!
(100) FDA has Gone Rogue - by Robert W Malone MD, MS (substack.com)
Paraphrasing Dr. Peter Marks: "We don't need no public health emergency to emergency use authorize mismatched boosters"
Side effects are compounded when the RNA, the RSV and the Flu injections are all delivered at the same time. Your Seniors are your major readers and how many more will you lose this fall?
I never accepted the RNA injections and had Covid twice. My children felt they had to get the injections to protect me and be good citizens. They all got the Covid. Our medical system is in crisis since they are operating on consensus science and not allowing discourse and challenges to this push to inject!
Today, Dr. Malone does a deeper dive into this criminality that is being supported by the Biden Adminstration and the Mass Media and the DEEP State!
What is in the RNA injections?
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh