Humanity has been lied to, manipulated, deceived, and harmed physically and mentally. Why?
We are entering the fourth year of this man-made gain of function virus that the medical authorities believe can only be treated by a man-made injection which they falsely call a vaccine. To call it a vaccine, the CDC changed the definition of what a vaccine is and how it effects the immune system. This mRNA injection tricks the immune system, which doesn’t recognize the foreign substances being injected and enters human cells and changes cellular function. They lied that it doesn’t change or alter the DNA of the human body. Here is the latest report:
From the beginning, lie after lie was told to motivate the majority of people in the US and around the world to accept the mRNA experimental injections as their protection against the virus. They did it out of love of family and protecting their seniors, out of fear of dying from the virus, or to keep their employment, especially in essential services such as the military, medical and law enforcement.
It was the most well preplanned medical propaganda effort ever hoisted on humanity and continues to this day. In fact, today’s fear article is entitled “WHAT THE XBB.1.5 COVID-19 VARIANT MEANS FOR EVERYONE”. It was published by USA Today and was disseminated in newspapers across the US.
The bold STATEMENTS in the article proclaim:
“People who have been vaccinated or previously infected are still vulnerable to infection from xbb.1.5”
“the antiviral paxlovid appears to work against xbb.1.5”
“the updated covid-19 booster shot should help but most haven’t received it.”
All my Children and their families made the decision to accept the injections out of love of family. My protest that you are all healthy and have good immune systems feel on deaf ears. I was the high risk “Odd Man Out” who would not accept being injected with an experimental injection that reprograms cellular function. My background in drug and medical knowledge alerted me to the fact that what was not being expressed as well as the suppression of opposing views was a signal that there are hidden motives.
I acquired Covid in October of 2021, and it took three weeks for my immune system without drug intervention to overcome the virus. I did take multiple nutrients to boost my immune system function, which is ignored by mainstream medicine.
Since then, all my children have experienced the viral invasion and attribute their quick recovery to the injection rather than having a viable well-functioning immune system.
This January. My 4 x vaxxed son acquired the virus and passed it on to me. This time, I took Ivermectin 12 mg, twice daily for 5 days and supplemented with one 5000 iu’s (125 mg) of Vitamin D3, two Vitamin C 500 mg, 1 Zinc gluconate 50 mg, 2 Aspirin 325 mg per day, and Quercetin 800 mg with Bromelain and finally NAC 600 mg capsules.
My downtime was less than a week, and I didn’t rush out and order Paxlovid, which is a high-priced questionable alternative to Ivermectin and the supplements I took. It is what was being pushed in today’s fear article.
I see no end in sight for what is transpiring until everyone understands how it can be managed cheaply and effectively at home. Our friends this week acquired it a second time on a cruise and are confined to their cabin. They were injected.
Yesterday, my dental hygienist told me she was injected and has had the Covid four times. She has other health issues, and it is readily apparent her immune system needs boosting.
I strongly suggest anyone who feels they have a poor immune system should take the supplements listed above daily on a prophylactic basis. One each per day, except the only caveat is that you can overdose on zinc and I recommend only a zinc tablet every other day. I also, have discovered the “NOW” brand of supplements manufactured in the US, and they have a good quality standing. You can order ivermectin from out of Florida. The quality is good, and the prices are reasonable.
What is lacking in the medical narrative being pumped out daily is that natural immunity is important and that you can boost your immune system to make sure the virus does not damage you mentally or physically.
The other issue is they have overstated deaths from the virus as well as understated the number who died from the wrong medical treatment and at the same time they have hidden the true number of people who have been harmed from the injections and those who have died. In my opinion, it probably accounts for about 1 million people who have died in the US over the last three years.
Del Bigtree of is interviewing people who have had near death experiences from the injections. It is hard to watch and not get angry.
The only ray of sunshine I see on the horizon is the legislative actions Governor DeSantis is taking in Florida to protect the rights of Floridians and physicians. Check it out here.
In the meantime, the US is demanding that all who fly to the US have been vaccinated and at the same time millions are and have poured over the Mexican/US border and have brought into the US, disease states including Covid, drugs that are destroying lives, criminals who are preying on US citizens and chaos in general.
The bottom line is that IT DOESN’T MATTER! Everyone will experience this virus that is morphing from its original man-made status. It is getting milder, and it should not be feared. Just be prepared and understand the true value of your immune system which is central to good health and is being ignore by Big Pharma that sees the mRNA injections as the new nano drug injection route for fun and profit and not good health. They are investing billions and billions and have no intention to stop! It is experimental and dangerous, and we are being lied to daily.
If you have not read my article $$MOTIVATION$$ please do. We need to rein in the biowarfare consortium as well as Big Pharma, manipulated medical research.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
How sad that family didn't listen to you, a person with a ton of medical knowledge even. We can pray for our loved ones that didn't trust or listen to us though, and God can cause the venom to have no effect on them just as He did with the disciples and snake venom back in Jesus' day. That's where our hope lies. My husband got the first two shots but, thankfully, he listened to me about the boosters (so did my main doctor!) and neither of them got the boosters. I'm very thankful for that.
The $190 is extremely high. If you can get a prescription (and I know some still can't) it's only a few dollars. I ordered mine from 2 different India (the country) pharmacies in Sept 2021 when it was still impossible to get a prescription here (it's non-prescription there). It is packaged exactly like here with manufacturer codes, blister packs, long expiration dates. I used some of it in July when I finally got Covid and it worked. It was $40 for 50 tablets of 12mg plus shipping $30. Then I bought 100 more tablets just to have if friends or family got Covid.
We can't get ivermectin in Australia as customs would seize it. I don't think the pet product is pure enough. I'm confused now as well after reading an article on substack which claims : Ivermectin is known to be an acutely toxic drug.