The following site is for Medical Professionals who want to understand the ICU protocol for Covid patients. You need to be registered to take the quiz on what is the BEST PRACTICE for saving lives who are seriously ill with the Covid. It is done on the basis of multiple choice and they give you choices of drugs to be used.
PRIME® Clinical Case Study - COVID-19 in the ICU: A COVID-19 Clinical Case Challenge (
Remdesivir was listed and 53% of the Medical Professionals choose it as drug of choice. Probably because the FDA labeled it “the best in it’s class” . Surprisinly, according to the authors of the quiz that is NOT the drug of choice, but two Rheumatoid Arthritis drugs called Baricitinib and Tocilizumab are better choices.
Fauci’s Protocol compensated the hospitals for using Remdesivir and apparently, they are moving away from that drug. Unfortuntely, all three drugs have a negative impact on the liver and the immune system. The better choice is early intervention with simple less costly drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin and supportive nutrient elements to boost the immune system rather than depress it. Vitamin D blood value over 50 ng’s is of great value in reducing the risk of dying. Stop it before the ICU is needed. Not the protocol pushed by Fauci!
They are recommending Remdesvir under the following circumstances:
Patients hospitalized with moderate to severe COVID-19 requiring noninvasive supplemental oxygen. (means no ventilator)
Here is the wikipedia discussion on Remdesvir which doesn’t mention the high death rate caused by the drug use and the research studies that suppport that issue.
Remember anyone can edit the wiki site and any thing negative about the drug can and will be removed.
They also recommend if they recover from the ICU and go home they get a booster. No concern that natural immunity has been achieved.
Also, no mention of mono colonal antibody use that our friends got when they acquired Covid after getting the shots and the booster! That saved their lives.
The last resort is using a ventilator which has the high risk of having the patient drown in their own lung fluids.
Bottom line is that I don’t fear the virus, but I do fear the hospital approach that uses expensive drugs that have a negative impact on the liver/kidney and the lungs and the immune system. CDC statistics said only .3% of the population was at risk of dying from the virus. No one know how many died from the wrong medical treatment. How many really died from the mRNA injections. Morticians and Life Insurance companies are getting a handle on these issues.
All the astute medical profesionals who have tried to express contrary views on how to manage these issues are continually being marginalized and discredited.
Main stream media continues to maintain bias on this continued march to mandate annual injections for disease states including the flu and this virus and what ever else is invented to keep the fear level up.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
Thank you for those thoughts...& sharing them...I think you are right on!!!
Hospitals are killing fields