I can’t stop expressing the truth over the medical propaganda that dominates the news. Spinning the narrative of how prescriptions drugs are the solution to all your health issues is never ending. The flood gates of medical half-truths jumped from Reader’s Digest to TV when Seldane was approved by the lacky FDA to be advertised directly to the US consumer. Only New Zealand followed in the FDA footsteps and allows Direct to Consumer advertising of Rx drugs. The rest of the world is not stupid enough.
Hoechst’s Seldane which was a non-drowsy anti-histamine was removed from the market when they discovered it killed many and caused heart valve damage. Rather than inform the citizens that they were wrong about Seldane, the FDA let all the drug manufacturers jump in, and we now have a 5 BILLION dollar plus annual TV advertising push with creative TV ads that tell you about the latest drug and their side effects, but don’t worry it is good for you!
I recall many drugs causing great harm to the American public during my professional career as a legitimate drug pusher. Some stand out as being extremely deadly. Zomax, an NSAID from the McNeil division of J&J only lasted 23 months on the market and was projected to have killed 3000 people from anaphylactic shock or Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The Congressional investigation concluded with false information from the FDA that only 14 people died from the drug. Over 600 Zomax users or their survivors benefited from a class action lawsuit against J&J that was settled out of court in Chicago. How many millions paid out was never disclosed do to the non-disclosure contract that the victims had to sign to get the money. Two whistleblowers at McNeil who warned about the harm Zomax was doing were fired, sued and lost their suit. The basic issue was that the side effect profile was much higher than normal, and these facts were either ignored or hidden from the FDA who approved the drug. It is documented that McNeil sat on ADR’s filed by physicians and did not promptly forward them to the FDA. Similar issues exist today with the anti-virals being used to treat Covid patients today, and it is being ignored. The VAERS system is not being updated properly.
To this day, I believe the Tylenol murders in Chicago was in retaliation for the death of a loved one from Zomax. At this point, my research would make a good murder mystery and not solve the case.
What is ignored by the medicine man is that the liver is an essential organ for detoxifying the body from foreign substances including the chemicals in prescription drugs, and that the cumulative effect of multiple chemicals and toxins being ingested can overwhelm the liver’s ability to do it job. That is what is happening with the treatment for Covid.
CDC’s medical protocol for Covid treatment includes Remdesivir 5 day IV treatment which provides the hospital with a 20% bonus if used, Tylenol administered up to 2.5 Grams per 24 hours, both of which negatively impacts the liver’s ability to function normally.. Over 50% of all Liver transplants can be traced back to over use of acetaminophen with or without alcohol consumption.
The newest push is to have patients with Covid be treated at home with Paxlovid, and is a combination of two anti-viral pills which has been rush to market under emergency use conditions without any knowledge of its full impact on liver function and has not been fully tested for it’s side effect profile.
Here is a report explaining the issue at hand.
NIH Investigating Why Patients Relapse After Taking Pfizer’s COVID Antiviral Pill, Paxlovid • Children's Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org)
Paxlovid is just a high priced competitor of Ivermectin which is proven to be safe.
The list of deadly drugs that have been removed from the market is long, but we also have over 500 drugs with black box warnings (should be skull and cross bones) that are still sold with FDA’s fence sitting position that allows them to stay on the market.
Appease Big Pharma, the hell with your liver!
I don’t take Tylenol, but I do have a cocktail before dinner for my sanity. I supplement with NAC which keeps my liver healthy. This is the supplement that Big Pharma is pushing FDA to have removed from the OTC status. I wonder why.
The livers of Americans citizens would be a lot healthier, and they would have less risk of dying from Covid if their Vitamin D blood value would be over 50 ng’s and they avoided the drugs being pushed that negatively impact the liver.
Please support the efforts of Dr. Malone and the 17,000 honest scientists around the world who have the dedication to help everyone understand the truth about this man made virus that the medical mafia tells you can only be resolved with a man made injection!
Global COVID Summit Declaration IV (substack.com)
Why is it a man made virus created in Wuhan China with the help and funding of the CDC and developed by the Chinese Biowarfare Lab is not being exposed for their crime against humanity?
My thoughts for the day!
Thomas A. Braun RPh
The path to GOOD Health is Good Nutrition including ample Vitamin D over 50 ng's and void of toxins from the food supply, drugs/injections and the environment, coupled with exercise and mind body harmony. I call it N2E+ for Life.