Mia Culpa.
This video and article by a well respected physician says it all! Stop the injections!
We need more medical professionals who are living in fear of telling the truth about how deadly the RNA injections are to come forward and stand up and demand we stop going down this road with RNA injections that reprogram cellular function and interfere with the blue print of life.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra is a well respected cardiologist with impeccable credentials that thought that the RNA injections he was given were as safe as the normal vaccines. He has the courage to come forward and tell the truth about how deadly the injections are and that medical research has been severely corrupted. The wake up call came when his father died from the injections.
The fact is that the CDC changed the definition of what a vaccine is so that the RNA injections would be seen as safe and effective. Total lies.
The following paragraphs are the final three from Dr. Malhotra presentation in Helsinki.
Prepandemic the man who I call the Stephen Hawking of medicine is Professor John Ioannidis from the University of Stanford. The reason I call him the Stephen Hawking of Medicine is he's the most cited medical researcher in the world and is a mathematical genius. In 2006, he published a paper which was entitled why most published research findings are false. In that paper, he makes a point that the greater the financial interests in a given field, the less likely the research findings are to be true.
I say this in context of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine which has made the company $100 billion. The other point that he makes in a further paper in 2017 is, again, the reason the system continues as it is is most doctors are unaware of the information they receive when they make clinical decisions has been corrupted by commercial influence.
The other credible name I will mention is the editor of the Lancet, Richard Horton, who I personally know. In 2015, he wrote an article in the Lancet in relation to a secret meeting that had taken place with himself and some of the world's top medical academics. In that, he wrote that possibly half of the medical published literature may simply be untrue. And he said that science has taken a turn towards darkness. But who's going to take the first step to clean up the system? I believe in this case and in this court today, this is going to be a very pivotal potential moment in history for that first step.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
I realize that, we are discussing indoctrination, mind control, cognitive dissonance or other cute words meaning very similar or identical things. Part of this reveal is that some docs acknowledge the undeniable harm from the Covid Quaxcine while at the same time crowing about the benefits of others. Their world view is shattering.
You and I both know none are safe and none are effective. What is interesting (having known for over 3 decades) is that now thousands of MD's have awoken, late to the party, but that is what time in history it is. The finger pointing phase has just begun. I do not think the medical profession will retain its ironclad control. That is as it should be.
I agree that the Quaxcines are the worst. I disagree about the alleged safety of the vaccinces.
Some of us have been in the trenches for over 3 decades. It is not a relative risk discussion.
That is the conundrum. None are safe and none are effective despite prior advocacy.
The best of the Medical renegades like Ian Brighthope now realize this. Get on board the ship leaves soon. The virus chasers are running out of time.