Massachusetts-based Moderna became a household name because of
vaccines(injections of foreign RNA) but, from its early days, has harbored the goal of turning human cells into drug production factories. By hijacking cellular machinery and getting the body to produce therapeutic molecules, Moderna wants to get proteins to intracellular targets and unlock new ways to treat disease.
Please note: They changed the definition of vaccines to include the mRNA because it would be more acceptable to the humans who would voluteer to be lab rats out of fear for themselves and their family.
You can read their glowing pronoucement of their push to turn human cells into drug manufacturing sites here:
Reprogramming human cells as a manufacturing site.
A second article extolls Presidential hopeful DeSantis to come clean and reject the mRNA injections and declare them to be unsafe and should be stopped immediately.
He pushed them just as President Trump did.
My view:
Well said! We know that DARPA has played a central role in the greatest crime against humanity in the 21st. Century! Unfortunately, few in leadership roles will express this. Fear of retribution reins as well as the concern if you are running for political office, it will mean being rejected by voters. I suspect around 40% of the American voters still embrace the injections as being life saving because the mainstream media will not allow the truth tellers to explain the great harm done! They have bought into the medical propaganda machine big time. If DeSantis has the courage to say he was gas lite, then ex-President Trump will need to come front and center and declare he was duped by Fauci, who has been the orchestra leader in this covid con. Will this happen when Moderna and other RNA injection medical machines are investing 100's of billions and billions in new factories and Gates and the other billionaires are investing in these companies because they see this as the new cash cow for Big Pharma? I doubt it! DeSantis and Trump will stay silent! Biden of course will just follow orders. I believe RFK Jr. will not and is our only guiding light. In turn, the money people will try to dim the light.
Finally, if you want to read George Webb who has documented the role of DARPA and that this has been a Biowarfare exercise, you can go to the following site:
US Government has been proactive since WWII in developing Biowarfare weapons that debilitate the enemy. Justification is, we need to be prepared to protect our soldiers if the enemy unleashes a bio warfare weapon and we need a antidote. US Congress in 2014 banned the development of “Gain of Function” weapons because of the high risk of destroying humanity. Fauci did a work around and engaged China to help continue the work. Plain and simple.
Dr. Alexander expressed the idea that Dr. Malone and other key developers of the RNA technology speak out against it and repent for their role. Here was my response:
They can’t! Their lips are sealed! (under contract to DARPA) Go after the Malone protege at Darpa! Go after Fauci! Go after Gilead! Go after Moderna! Go after Gates! Some of the KEY players in the greatest humanitarian crisis of the 21st century which will continue because of the great plans they have for RNA that reprograms humans blueprint for life! Covid was only round one! More to come! The 6th extinction of life on earth is being accelerated by reprogramming humans DNA!