Having inside knowledge before 2020 and having the financial resources come in handy for Bill Gates who has been pushing vaccines for decades because that is where the money is!
Here is the report on how a 55-million-dollar investment prior to 2020 in the German BioNTech company that made the Pfizer RNA injections returned 550 million to Bill Gates. He sold before humanity woke up to the Covid con.
At a TED conference in 2015, vaccine votary Bill Gates warned that the world wasn’t ready for the next epidemic, saying, “If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war.” When COVID-19 hit the scene in December 2019, a large portion of the global population, filled with regret for ignoring the prediction made by this supposed prophet, glorified Gates. The following sequence of events that started prior to COVID’s arrival, however, warrants serious consideration. In September 2019, Gates invested $55 million in BioNTech, the German biotech which developed the mRNA vaccine for Pfizer, which is now more than $550 million. In October 2019, Gates co-sponsored Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise which involved conducting a simulation which “predicted” a global coronavirus pandemic. At the end of 2022, Gates sold some BioNTech stock, having made exorbitant gains. Finally, on 23 January, Gates did a 180-degree turn when he publicly besmirched the mRNA vaccines that only two years before he had described as magic. To simply assume that these events, and most particularly the sequence in which they occurred, were mere coincidences is dangerously naive. This article first appeared on The Defender. – Nadya Swart
Today, it was reported that BioNTech stock continues to decline, but they are still selling billions of RNA injections, in spite of the fact it is well known that they have NOT proved they are safe and effective, and the CDC is still allowing them to be sold under the EUA legislation.
BioNTech projects sales of its COVID-19 vaccine to reach between 2.5 and 3.1 billion euros ($2.7 billion and $3.4 billion) in 2024. As for last year, the company reported sales of $3.8 billion euros ($4.1 billion).
Similarly, Moderna stock sales have fallen, but they are expanding the RNA technology into other disease categories.
Moderna stock value and sales.
Bottom line, as I have said before, we are moving forward at warp speed to introduce more RNA injections into humans and animals alike. We are on a run-away medicine freight train without an engineer in charge who can stop the derailment of life itself.
Totally being ignored in DC with the exception of Senators Johnson and Senator Paul.
The Truth tellers are being ignored by mainstream media by design and direction!
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
There is nothing like financing one:s own execution. What happens when there is no one left to kill?