Why are we not drilling down to the true motivation that has driven the man made Covid crisis?
The NFL supported the mandated mRNA injection for their professional football players. The tragic event on the football field where the Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin had cardiac arrest could have been from the mRNA injections. Even suggesting this brings retribution from the mass media. The push to deny the harm being done continues and you dare not suggest that the mRNA injection caused heart damage. My though on the issue:
Great harm has been bestowed on humanity. Nano drug injections are the new medical path to treating disease states and billions and billions are being invested. The high rate of adverse reactions and deaths being created is not slowing the rush to profit from manipulating the very foundation of human existence. Crispr is their bible. The truth is being strangled and has been corralled. We need a ground swell of rational medical thought leaders to speak in unison to stop this new cavalier approach to treating disease states that have their roots in detrimental lifestyle issues.
The great disservice that has been projected on humanity thru falsehoods that the man-made virus can only be stopped by a man-made injection that is experimental should give everyone pause.Unfortunately, the local Daily Herald just goes with the flow and reprints the New York Times, Washington Post and AP articles that discredit anyone who questions the injections. True Science thrives with open dialog. That is not happening and freedom to express documented opposing scientific viewpoints are being banned.
Fierce Pharma is an authoritative resource that keeps abreast of what is transpiring in the Big Pharma arena. Website: Fierce Pharma Website
It is well known that all the drug companies with financial resources are jumping in to be part of the sea change in how disease states are treated. The vehicle for this is the mRNA protocol that delivers drugs and reprograms cellular function through injections. Here is what a Moderna spokesman had to say:
They might be helpful for the sales next year or stuff like that, but we're not solving for that,” he said. “We’re solving for [the] best RNA company because we believe that science is going to generate, for this platform, so many medicines.”
Moderna is building a factory in England that can produce 250 MILLION vials of mRNA. They also have just spent 85 Million to buy a Japanese DNA manufacturer. What is being ignored is that almost 100% of human cells have the DNA blueprint for reproduction residing within the cell. When the medicine man injects a mRNA viral like entity into the body, it enters the cell and REPROGRAMS the function of the cell. In essence, they are playing with the very essence of life itself and the high side effect profile of the Covid mRNA injections speaks volumes about the fact that it is NOT PREDICTABLE as to what harm will be created. Pfizer’s own research which they tried to hide from the public indicates over 1000 different adverse disease states were observed.
A New Zealand research reported the following in a recent article:
Why are they falling ill and dying? As a result of a new technology – mRNA biotechnology – which governments, Big Pharma and the medical establishment are bidding to mandate widely for hundreds of conditions stretching into the future. A February 2022 article in Nature lists 90 mRNA lead developers in the global vaccine landscape with 137 mRNA vaccines in the pipeline and you can bet your bottom dollar that number has grown substantially since.
You can go to this website to read his article in total:
Even more disturbing is the following article by a researcher on the role that the Financial Globalists are playing that will change the dynamics of our financial world.
Click on: Finacial Globalists
My depressing thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
New species of fish coming?
Excellent information thanks. Depressing on all fronts. It represents the very probable end of humanity if they are not stopped soon.