My view: The medicine man is interfering with the blueprint of life with the false premise he can improve on God’s design. Will not end well for humanity if we continue down this road. He is ignoring the root cause of ill health which is being generated by the toxins/chemicals in our food supply and our environment.
Dr. Malone’s article he posted about Atrazine is a case in point.
Negative Health Impact with Atrazine.
Dr. Peter Hotez, a rabid advocate for injecting everyone as the solution to our ills, has stated that 200,000 Americans died because of the unvaccinated. The counterpoint is what Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale have expressed in this well researched summary of the covid con that transpired over the last 40 months and how Ivermectin was discredited and MILLIONS of lives could have been saved.
Why was Ivermectin suppressed?
In addition, Dr. Sansone dives into the composition of the RNA injections and their impact on both humans and the animals that are being injected. Yes..the steak and the pork you eat will have the mRNA. In addition, the FDA has now approved petri dish chicken breast to be sold for human consumption. Coming to your favorite restaurant soon!
What the nano particles do in your body.
I republished Dr. Breggin’s article on where the Biotech industry is going and the grave dangers we will be facing. Astute analysis as usual.
The manipulation of scientific facts to push this biotechnology is on going and will not stop because billions and billions are being invested in it and the investors including Bill Gates wants a return on their investment. Our politicans in DC will not address the issue because most have been bought. A report from a Blackrock employee stated that $10,000 will buy you a Senator in DC. They no longer are representing their constituents, only speciel interests.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh Retired but not senile yet!