Why are we not listening to the experts that see the truth about the preplanned pandemic?
It was announced by President Biden that the pandemic is OVER! What he should have announced is that there will be a federal investigation into the genesis of the Covid crisis and who were the planners and what was their motivation. Of course, this was not part of the script that he was reciting. I don’t doubt the soft ball questions that he was asked on 60 minutes was provided to the Presidential staff and the answers were formulated and practised before hand. His facial expressions are limited due to his plastic surgery.
Today, the local paper ran an article supporting the importance of vaccines for babies and children and reinforcing the need that the mRNA injections are OK for our children. They of course are ignoring the 100,000 or more infants that are being diagnosed as being autistic each year and Big Pharma is continually in denial that the vaccines and their ingredients are not the cause. Now they are pushing the concept that Tylenol (acetoaminophen) given to pregnant mothers is the cause of autism. So, they are now suing Walgreens and other retailers for selling the products. Not the manufactuer. Another example of mis-direction to lay blame in another entities court.
Questions that need to be answered in my mind are as follows:
Was it a coincident that the War Games were staged in October 2019 in Wuhan China and the Wuhan BioLab had the release of the Covid-19 gain of function man made virus.
Since the CDC interacts with Darpa and the CIA in working on biowarfare weapons, what role did each of them play in the Covid crisis?
Why did Fauci and his minions including Gates meet in a foreign country in November 2019 to discuss how a bio crisis should be handled? Was it because US law is not valid if agreements are reached for collusion in a foreign land?
How did Moderna know to have an agreement in December 2019 to develop a mRNA injection when President Trump didn’t know till January 29th of 2020
that there was an impending crisis. Dr. Richard Malone, the original researcher of mRNA injections knew before Trump. Who else knew?
When did Bill Gates arrive at the viewpoint that only 1% of the population would be infected? Was that in November of 2019?
Many more questions need to be answered, but will they all be confined to the dust bin of history?
Here are two videos that expose the subterfuge that has been created for almost 3 years to gas light the global population.
The first is from an epidemiologist with impecable credentials: He answers the question what was the BIGGEST lie told in this man made crisis. Listen to his whole explanation!

The second is from an attorney who lays this whole crisis at the feet of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab of WEF as being the principal actors. They both want to save the plant from destruction due to over population and create a one world government to rule the billions of people still alive by 2035. They say reality is always stranger than fiction and it sure is looking like it is true!

Will we continue to go down this path to more human suffering, or will there be a turning point in history that will stop this madness?
I’m surprised how few leave comments. Now I’m hearing that those who see the truth are not willing to express their views because they do not want to be targeted. Are they all waiting for the ballot box in November in the US?
I have a hard time wanting to believe man can be this evil.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh.
re few comments -- I think it more likely that people are inundated with information and haven't the time to comment. For myself, I am stretched to get through (and often don't) the substack accounts I follow, and will only comment if I feel I have something meaningful to offer. So it's not for lack of interest, but between limited time and little substantive to add, we file the information and move along. I very much appreciate your articles, which are consistently excellent -- the lack of comments is not a reflection of the quality of the content!
Emergency may be lifted when they blackmail us to add to the schedule for all children. Though I doubt it. I heard after Sadat was assassinated in Egypt emergency powers were never removed.. yes this agenda is evil.