Epoch Times recent article discusses how nano technology has been applied to our food system as well as medicine with the mRNA injections. It was shocking to learn that food additives are now being micronized down to the molecular nano level to facilitate absorption into humans. These nano entities can easily be absorbed into the body via the GI tract and also navigate through the blood/brain barrier that keeps the brain safe from pathogens. Bypassing normal barriers that protect us from harm need to be done with great caution. Check it out here: Nanotechnology Used in Covid Vaccines, 2,000 Foods, Goes Unlabeled (theepochtimes.com) (may need to copy and paste into your web browser). Is our only health defense to not consume factory processed foods?
I have repeatedly stated that the mRNA injections for prevention of Covid which is inaccurate concept, is only the first of many nano drug injections which tricks the immune system and is designed to create a patentable, profitable and proprietary drug delivery system. Not for good health but profit. The book Code Breakers by Walter Isaacson details the discovery and evolution of DNA manipulation by man.
The following article was written in 2020. My views have not changed. Some of the numbers in the article are on the low side. The bottom line is that there are NO controls in place to prevent man from destroying human life with their deep dive into nano technology. Senator Rand Paul introduced legislation to have three over site committees with astute health scientists to monitor and guide the CDC and their management of nano technology. Sadly, the bill has been shelved.
Covid-19 has not been delivered to the world from God, or from nature if you do not believe in a superior being that has created man in all it is glory. Man has created Covid-19 because he believes he can be God. Man has learned how to manipulate the “Blueprint for Life” which is found in almost all living cells both animal and plant. The DNA code for life in humans has been dissected and man knows how 4 amino acids in different arrays accounts for the 25,000 genes that are in our cells on a molecular level. The science is fascinating, but how man is manipulating it for profit and not for the good of mankind needs to be exposed. Humankind is now an ongoing experiment.
Scientists can now create GMO trees, GMO salmon, GMO corn that creates its own insecticide and many more variations to speed up God’s way of an orderly natural selection and evolution of life forms. The turning point was when Dr. Collins who now runs NIH was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005 for unraveling the DNA of man. Dr. Luc Montagnier, a French researcher has also been awarded a Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on HIV. He has stated that Covid-19 was man made. The issue is where? Some say it came from the Wuhan Biowarfare lab, and others say it came from a US lab to start a war between China and the US. Regardless, it is not the way man should be using this knowledge. Dr. Collins has used it to determine genetic faults that cause some rare diseases, but the question is where is man going with this knowledge?
A virus is an RNA molecule (half of a DNA blueprint) that attaches to cells for reproduction and in the process causes ill health. Creating a super virus in Biowarfare labs is an ongoing process around the world. Covid-19 fits the profile. Man’s immune system if whole has the capacity to destroy the virus when it is acquired. That is why 99%+ of those who acquire it survive. We have a built in natural immune system response which can be called a NATURAL vaccine.
The main public narrative that is driving the current crisis is that an mRNA vaccine will be the solution to stopping the “pandemic”. What is ignored is that the majority of Americans have an immune system strong enough to survive the crisis. The issue that has not been totally explored is how an mRNA vaccine (a modified viral particle?) that is injected into human muscle cells to reprogram the muscle cell is totally safe. God did not intend to have muscle cells perform a function other than mobility. Update 2022, reports are that this was false information, and the mRNA is NOT confined to muscle cells but travels throughout the body to many different types of cells.
Read what Rand Paul has to say on this issue. There are probably 2 or 3 times more Americans who have not been tested that have acquired and beat the virus with minimal discomfort. And to really put it into perspective, you have to recognize that almost 3 million Americans die each year from all causes. This year we are adding about 250,000 more without any clear understanding if they were all properly treated. Prevention and reversal of disease states is not a major focus of US medicine. If it were, the CDC would be educating both the medical professionals and the lay public about the value of boosting the immune system naturally and not via a vaccine.
If this is the major health issue in 2020 that is affecting the US, why have we been ignoring the fact that the 3rd leading cause of death way beyond 250,000 in the US for many years is the medical system itself. Google it and learn. Is it because our government does not want to admit that the chemicals in our food and environment are drivers and are the main culprits of ill health and as a result, we have abundant medical malpractice and medication errors? Vaccine manufacturers got Congress to absolve them of malpractice and liability.
In summary, manipulating the genetic makeup of humans, plants and animals is big business and it is in uncharted waters when genes are transferred cross species and man’s DNA is being manipulated without any real knowledge of the future consequences.