Epoch Times video and article reported that the Paxlovid tablets from Pfizer which is being heavily advertised on TV to the American consumer is causing Covid to re-emerge. In my view, it is competing with the discredited (unjustly) Ivermectin to protect the body from the effects of Covid and was hastily approved by the FDA without solid review of it’s effectiveness and side effects. Our US Government bought 5.3 BILLION DOLLARS of this expensive drug over Ivermectin which is cheap and proven effective.
The CDC recently issued a warning regarding Pfizer’s COVID-19 pills—the ones that were approved last year and sold under the name Paxlovid.
People usually take those pills after they contract COVID-19 to lessen the symptoms and lower the chance of hospitalization. (Maybe)
Here is the statement from Epoch Times:
However, a new advisory from the CDC warns Americans that taking Paxlovid can actually lead to a rebound in COVID-19 symptoms—which is a problem that, according to new documentation from the FDA, they were aware of even during the clinical trial phase.
The Epoch Times video on the FDA annoucment can be viewed here:
Facts Matter (June 2): CDC Issues Warning on Pfizer’s Covid Pills, Alerts Issued For “Covid Rebound” and Positive Viral PCR Tests (theepochtimes.com)
What is not discussed is that the drug probably is negatively impacting the immune system of individuals whose immune system have been compromised.
My view on the importance of a whole viable immune system was discussed in 2020 in the following article that I wrote.It follows here and my views have not changed and we really don’t know if the wrong medical treatment caused the excess deaths that developed. Time will tell.
My immune system is whole and when a pathogen, which is not “SELF” invades my body, my Immune system flags it and eliminates it from my body. In other words, “NON-SELF” entities whether they be a virus, bacteria, fungus and even prescription drugs (most prescription drugs are measured toxins that interfere with normal biological function) will be destroyed by my body. Route of destruction depends on which pathogen/toxin I have acquired.
If it is a virus or a bacteria my body’s immune system if it is whole will produce anti-bodies and will memorize the pathogen, so I will not be bothered with fighting the invader the next time it raises its ugly presence. Fever reflects the bodies fight to destroy the pathogen. In 99% of the cases with Covid-19, this is what happens, and you survive the virus invasion.
If my immune system is functioning the way God intended, then why would I need to have a vaccine which injects an attenuated (Impaired form) of a virus or a bacteria? The new, never before created, mRNA vaccines are fabricated viral entities designed to reprogram the DNA? of human cells to mimic what a whole immune system does daily to protect our body. They are warning you that if you have allergies you should not take the vaccine.
Unfortunately, over 50% of the US population has been diagnosed with an inflammatory disease which in most case is derived from chronic consumption of trace chemicals/toxins in our food supply and/or the chronic consumption of some OTC drugs and Rx drugs that also cause inflammatory conditions. As an example, Ace inhibitors which 20 million Americans take daily cause an inflammatory condition in the lungs and is recognized by a dry cough. Medicine has not recognized that this may contribute to the seriousness of the condition if acquired. The anti-virals, anti-biotics and steroids all have a suppression activity on the immune system which are the standard of treatment for the Covid. HCQ which is cheap and facilitates the transfer of zinc (natural anti-viral) into the cells has been unjustly discredited by the medical community.
So, if a whole immune system does the same job as a vaccine, which carries more than one “non-Self” entity and complicates an impaired immune system’s ability to respond properly, then what is the rational to have my body injected?
Are we trying to save those whose immune system that are not whole? If so, then why don’t we learn how to identify those with an impaired immune system and REVERSE the condition? Can an impaired immune system even create the anti-bodies needed? Will those with severely impaired immune systems become even more susceptible to adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine?
There is a great deal of evidence that nutrient deficiencies as well as not having a healthy gut contribute to the development of an impaired immune system. Vitamin D, which is a hormone and not a Vitamin is essential for over 3000 gene expressions to be properly turned on when the body demands it and low blood value which most Americans carry (average 25 ng’s when it should be 50 ng’s) means various bodily dysfunctions will occur. It has been documented that if your Vitamin D blood value is over 35 ng’s your risk of dying from the invasion is almost zero. Vitamin C is a master antioxidant and Zinc which is an anti-viral (about 50% of the US population is deficient with these nutrients) are also important for a healthy immune system. CDC at first recognized the importance of these nutrients in the fight against Covid-19 and then decided otherwise. Why? Have they elected to push Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for profit rather than good medicine? It is reported that Pfizer will have a 30-billion-dollar windfall from the US government.
If we have a 2 to 3% population with seriously compromised immune systems that are at risk from dying, then why don’t we work on reversing their condition, rather than punish the other 97% that are able to manage the pathogen? We are in a Medical Police state currently that is crippling this nation. . WHO embraced Dr. Ferguson’s model that claimed we would lose about 2/3 of 1% of the population to the Covid-19 virus? The fact is it looks like it will only be 1/8 th. of that, and if we had properly identified that population early on, then it would have been much less. CDC statistics indicate that total US deaths in 2020 will be about the same as 2019. Sheltering Covid-19 patients in nursing homes was unconscionable, using ventilators and addressing the Covid with the wrong medical treatment have all exacerbated the problem and nothing is said on that issue.
Immune system is extremely complicated, and this is just an overview. I have no fear because I AM A VACCINE since I work at taking care of my body. Do not tread on my personal rights Mr. Gates.
Thomas A Braun RPh
N2E+ for Life
Good Nutrition w/o toxins
Nutrients to compensate for deficiencies.
Exercise for body symmetry
Plus, for mind/body harmony. Eliminate stress.
Because they're bribed to. Pharmas pay cost of evaluating drug applications. That seems to mean approve* if the FDA want any more such grants.
* Though only of the application paperwork, not the drug itself, in the case of Comirnaty.
Great Substack. I wholeheartedly agree!