No End in Sight!
The Investments have been made and they need to have a Return on their Investment.!
In April of 2022, I wrote an article entitled “The Next Human”. Much of what I stated has become fact and well explained by multiple well credentialed medical researchers since then.
What I said in part is as follows:
In April 2017 the National Geographic Magazine published an article discussing the evolution of man and where we are going and what he may look like.
The question that must be asked is: Is the mRNA injections that reprogram cellular function the first step in this evolution of man? The Medicine man has created a man-made gain of function virus that was released onto the world stage and has severely harmed the economic balance of societies around the world and has destroyed lives. In turn, the medicine man has decided that the only way to stop this scourge on society is to create a man made viral like substance that when injected into the human body reprograms how the cells perform their function. Fighting fire with fire and ignoring the role that a vibrant and whole immune system does in protecting humans from the ever-present viruses in its many forms and pathogens that we are surrounded with in our daily lives. Rather that boost and enhance the immune system of those inflicted, the medicine man has denied that anything but an injection of a mRNA viral like substance that reprograms cellular function is the answer.
The following article explains the latest push to keep convincing Americans to get the “Spikevaxx”. A creative way of saying “slam dunk” and appealing to the basketball fans that it is the right thing to do.
Moderna and Pfizer and a whole bunch of other well-funded Big Pharma companies see RNA injections as the means of obtaining a maximum return on their billion dollar investments in this research.
Dr. Malone provides great oversight into the end game. The pandemics appear to be the route for pushing RNA injections for decades as the only solution and is well embraced by Big Pharma who will benefit greatly.
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
Thanks, Thomas. What an excellent article by Jill Malone that you shared.
As usual, spot on.