Not Backing Down
Why is the CDC so adamant that EUC (Emergency Use for Injections) will stay in place?
Dr. Malone published an update on the Covid-19 fiasco which will officially end on May 11th. It should never have been initiated to begin with because it was, in my opinion, a preplanned biowarfare test program embraced by DOD/CDC and aggressively supported by Big Pharma and they were joined by the eugenists and the globalists! Moderna signed their nRNA agreements in December of 2019. I don’t think they had a crystal ball, they had inside knowledge and wanted to get a jump on Pfizer. Big money game for profit and not good health.
In addition, I have copied the BEGINNING OF A EXCELLENT article by Lew Rockwell that discusses the Ivermectin tear down so that Pfizer can come up with a $500 alternative treatment for maximizing their profitablity.
Our corrupt government, allied with Big Pharma, isn’t satisfied with making you sick, as it did with the U.S.-lab created Covid virus. It also tries to control your attempts to get well, suppressing or propagandizing against effective treatments. It does this for illnesses as well. Let’s look at an example.
As Jeremy Loffredo points, Ivermectin is a very good treatment for Covid. “On the latest episode of ‘The Jimmy Dore Show,’ comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore highlighted the similarities between Pfizer’s expensive new antiviral drug for COVID and ivermectin, a generic drug used to treat the virus.
‘I’ve never seen the propaganda machine so hard at work as it’s been against ivermectin,’ said Dore. ‘Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize for human medicine in 2015, but the media really has everyone believing it’s for horses.’
Dore suggested the motivation behind the propaganda is profits.
Go to: Medical Freedom LOST!
Also, Grassroots Health research says having amble vitamin D cuts risk of dementia by 40%! Also, check out my artice on Vitamin D. “Hello Sunshine”
Thomas A Braun RPh Don’t forget your safe dose of sunshine today!
Sickening. Profits seems to be it.
But almost worse is what happened with hydroxycloriquine. Faked studies published in a major journal to stop it being given as an early treatment! Going against a sitting president's executive orders. And for what? So people would die and a vaccine would be needed? It is mind-blowing.