Survey time! Please respond with a yes or no. Will you get the RNA, RSV and FLU injections this fall?
The following was written my me to the Editors of my local newspaper, who still support the notion that these injections are safe and effective: Their viewpoint is fed by the cleverly shaped articles planted in the NYT, WP, Reuters and Associated Press and decimated freely and reprinted across the nation and picked up by Radio and TV stations.
What 99% of Americans don't understand is that Drug Marketing has trumped good health protocols for many years.
Big Pharma goal is to maximize Stockholders return on Investment. The whole approach to handling the man made Covid crisis was to maximize profitability. Any solution other than RNA injections was discredited from DAY ONE!
Based on my professional career, from the beginning I heard what was being said and the great fear being conveyed, but it was what I was NOT hearing that was most disturbing. There has been little said to educate about the true value of a vibrant immune system in protecting humans from viral invasions.
The fact that focused knowledgeable physicians created the Great Barrington Declaration and were totally ignored spoke volumes! The fact that Dr. Simone Gold and her group got the same treatment spoke volumes. Labeling a whole host of physicians that they are creating disinformation was a lie! There are about two dozen well educated physicians with great resumes that have the courage to speak out against the Covid narrative that discredits all who don’t embrace the injection route.
The BIG lie was from Dr. Fauci and his minions that if you get the RNA injection you will not get the Covid. The fact is that the side effect profile, including death is NOT acceptable. Traditionally, RX drugs had to have a side effect profile under 1% to be acceptable for marketing. Over the years, MANY drugs have been removed from the market because they caused just a few deaths AFTER the FDA approved the drug based on well manipulated research which downplayed the negative effects.
The most recent one was Merck’s Vioxx which was TOO POTENT and killed between 50,000 to 100,000 people (or more if all were properly diagnosed) and cost Merck 5 billion dollars.
This is NOT the case with the RNA injections. Over 200 million Americans accepted the RNA injections without being informed of the risks involved. The side effect profile is MUCH Greater than 1%. The FDA’s VAERS system has reported over 30,000 deaths from the injections and the actual numbers are MUCH higher because NO ONE wants to report that they administered a death shot to a patient. In my opinion, 600,000 could be more accurate. Dr. David Kessler who ran the FDA in the early 1990's claimed about 1% of ADR's are reported. Easily, then the true numbers which are NOT known could be at least 10 to 20 times higher. We have now entered a runaway drug research system that no longer is concerned about the harm that can be delivered with EXPERIMENTAL RNA injections that cause great harm. They have insulated themselves from liability through the EAU as well as the 1986 Vaccine act, that opened the door to exponential growth in the number of vaccines that are babies are given. (About 72 by age 15)
This fall Prescription Drug Advertising for being injected with the RNA injection, the RSV injection and the FLU injection will be massive.
We have in place medical protocols that work that DO NOT require an injection to stop and reverse a viral invasion. The bottom line is that the medical protocols with the injections that are being pushed maximize the profitability of the Big Pharma companies involved.
On a personal note, I never got an RNA injection and never will. My immune system is vibrant, and I DO NOT like the RISK profile and the cavalier approach of developing the injections. I no longer embrace my viewpoint that the FDA is protecting the American public from harm, which I believed throughout my professional career.
HERE IS A DEEP DIVE IN WHAT IS NOW TRANSPIRING. This is not disinformation. We have been subject to massive amounts of miss information that has been delivered through the controlled mass media whose bread and butter comes from Big Pharma.
Please let me know your viewpoint. Yes or No or Which ones!
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh Retired but not senile yet!