Overwhelming Evidence
Why is it that the goal of manipulating the cellular function of all living things keeps moving forward at warp speed?
The following article talks about shedding by those who have been injected with the RNA. In layman terms it means that the injected person carries a viral infection and spreads it to those who are healthy.
My response to the article was as follows:
In the meantime, the medicine man is pushing full steam ahead to develop RNA/DNA injections as the ultimate solution to disease states. All you have to do is follow the daily reports from Fierce Pharmaceuticals reporting site and Healio which is a Big Pharma endorsed marketing arm.
In turn another reader responded with this observation:
Australia is building at least one (maybe up to 3) ModeRNA plants to take care of our food, animals (food & pets), medications, flu shots - all the bright future of mRNA.... They are working on nasal mRNA for respiratory virus. They are using it already in our food - beef & pork. Crops are coming soon. "Shedding," will be everywhere.
Australia was the most locked down country in the world through the global pseudo pandemic. The Devil’s Island that was shut down years ago in Australia has reemerged and all of Australia can now be renamed Devil’s Island.
Steve Kirsch summaries the evidence against the RNA injections: Only Florida is moving to ban the injections!
Evidence against the RNA injections
A researcher believes 17 million humans have died from the injection. Since it appears that .3% of Americans have died from the injections which is 3/10th of 1 % of those injected, I believe the 17 million number is low.
About 2.5 BILLION were injected!
Finally, Dr. Peter Breggin reports on the role of the DOD in the
Covid con.
My thoughts for the new year.
When you can't challenge the medical research proclaimed to be valid, we are in deep trouble! I believe it is well established that there is a "warp speed" effort being pushed to develop RNA/DNA cell alternating injections for maintaining the allopathic medicine model as the disease treatment protocols for the 21st century. Billions and billions are being invested in this endeavor and the two major beneficiaries of this push is BARDA (DOD Biowarfare Institution at NIH) that has been prolific over the past 60 years and Big Pharma which has the task of mass producing the injection protocols. Moderna has already been identified as a CIA creation and is the bridge between the two major players. If they want to put the blame on Dr. Malone, then they should start by putting the blame on Dr. Arthur Hayes, Donald Rumsfeld's go to guy for biowarfare in the 1970's who experimented at Fort Detrick with glycinated chemicals to be more efficacious in destroying the enemy. Rumsfeld ran DOD the first time around in the 1970's. He was so good at it; he got a repeat performance. Infiltrating, creating controversy and miss guiding those who are attempting to have the truth known about Covid and the injections is how you create confusion and discredit the efforts of the truth tellers. In the meantime, the massive marketing push to convince the American public that injections are good continues with masterful marketing efforts. Local paper ran the story "Good News" medical stories of 2023" on Christmas Day extolling the injections and RSV and etc. Author was a Patient Advocate well-schooled by Big Pharma. Moderna and Pfizer are doing their share with TV commercials spinning the injections as being good. This effort will be intensive in 2024 as the money people start demanding a return on their investment. If the FDA's VAERS reporting system would be managed properly and the true extent of the harm caused was made public, then maybe rational medical research would prevail. Unfortunately, the FDA takes their marching orders from Big Pharma. Happy New Year? I pray! I wish everyone well in 2024. thomasabraunrph@substack.com