Pathogens that kills!
Why isn't the medicine man not warning their patients about the deadly bacterium call C-Diff.
Our hospitals are infected with a bacterium called Clostridioides difficile, or “C. diff”, and it is a highly contagious bacterium that causes diarrhea and colitis. It often infects people who have recently taken antibiotics. Antibiotics that kill other bacteria in your gut but don’t kill C. diff allow it to quickly grow out of control. You have to take a different antibiotic to treat C. diff.
My avocation is writing articles on medical issues, and this is one that has not been on my radar screen. This January, 2025, I lost a dear friend to C-Diff and I am shocked at how many are infected and die from the bacterium that produces spores (eggs) that can infect people who have visited a hospital or acquire the pathogen when hospitalized.
My friend developed pneumonia and was hospitalized and was given a course of antibiotics to eliminate the medical condition. In the process, the antibiotics sterilized the gut. In essence the healthy microbiome of the GI tract disappears. In turn, she acquired the bacterium which is resident in the hospital rooms which creates a raging infection in the colon.
I was shocked to learn 500,000 people in the USA acquire the infection yearly and 30,000 die. This is a projection by the CDC which only has a 8 state monitoring program and extrapolates the data of what has transpired nationally in the sample from these 8 states. See details here.
Over a three year period, the VAERS system has captured 38,000 deaths from RNA injections. In turn, there have been 90,000 deaths from C-Diff based on CDC data. That is the equivalent of three 747 Boeing jets crashing every week. Boeing would be out of business if their planes were falling from the sky!
Many experts believe the VAERS system is capturing less than 5% of all the harmful effects of the RNA injections. Similarly, the C-Diff crisis may be more destructive that what the CDC claims is the death rate.
Our hospital professionals know the great harm caused by C- Diff and take precautions to not acquire the bacterium and leave their hospital shoes outside their home so they don’t carry the spores into their home. Hand washing is also mandatory in the hospitals by the staff.
My personal experience is that my discharge papers after a hospital stay has never warned that their is a risk of acquiring C-Diff. I have received a follow up phone call in 48 hours asking if I was well. This may be a low keyed way of making sure the patient has not acquired the deadly pathogen.
What we do know is that 56% of all C-Diff cases are acquired after being treated by antibiotics for treatment of another disease. We also know that the hospitals can’t eradicate the presence of the pathogen from their facilities. There sanitation efforts are deficient.
We also know that those who are immune compromised have a higher risk of dying from the pathogen. Is the low key approach to managing this medical crisis because the hospitals are avoiding liability?
What is ignored is that cattle carry both E-Coli and C Diff pathogens. In turn, only well cooked meat should be consumed to avoid this source of infection. Consuming semi-cooked rare meat carrying these pathogens cause diarrhea and is a signal that we have to be address this condition immediately to avoid death.
So…is this the root cause of C Diff that is being ignored? Undercooked meat?
My view:
It is time for the American public to be educated about this deadly pathogen and stop consuming meat that may be contaminated and under cooked. In addition, hospitals should clearly warn all patients in their discharge papers to be alert about developing chronic diarrhea.
The discharge papers should also alert the patient that a probiotic should be taken to restore the microbiome of the GI tract.
Standard hospital practice should be the follow up call and remind the patient to return to the hospital if chronic diarrhea is present.
They can also issue shoe booties to prevent carrying the spores into the home.
Most importantly, all patients should be tested for Vitamin D deficiency. It should be Standard Operating Practice and will drive down many disease states if implemented. My friend, Henry Lahore that has a website called has been documenting all the research on Vitamin D for over a decade sent me the following that confirms the fact that you don’t die from C Diff if your Vitamin D blood value is above 50 ng’s! See the research here!
Vitamin D role in saving lives from C Diff.
What bugs me it that they are using fecal transplants as a band aid approach that may introduce other pathogens, rather that identify the root cause.
I am saddened that our medical profession is not stepping up to the plate and is aggressively eliminating this deadly pathogen by taking the appropriate prevent measures.
I miss my friend very much and it should have NEVER happened!
Thomas A Braun RPh
PS: Last year I experienced bloody stools the day after I apparently made the mistake of ordering a medium rare filet that was bloody in the center. I don’t know if I acquired E-Coli or a C Diff infection., Fortunately, 24 hours later powerful IV antibiotic therapy at Mayo stopped the pathogen in it’s track. They did call me two days later to check up on me. Thanks Mayo.
PPS: The following comments were addressed to Dr. Alexander who is praying that RFK Jr. becomes the Director of HHS and fixes our sick care system:
The Citadel walls of the deep state are formidable and the task before President Trump is daunting. Read Paul Craig Roberts article: I went to Washington 13 years ago and experienced the mantra "Our Hands are Tied" Translation. If we dare suggest we investigate the root cause of autism, I WILL NOT BE RE-ELECT! President Trump first time around made the mistake of being upfront announcing he wanted RFK Jr. to investigate autism. That brought on the Covid con! If RNA injections are canceled Gates and gang will fight like hell! They have invested billions and billions in the research and they need their 10X ROI! When Gates Foundation which is non-profit makes 7 Billion dollars on investing in Moderna and etc. and paid NO TAXES, explains who is running the medicine man show. The middle of the road approach that may work is a moratorium...but since there are over 100 RNA research projects active, that means the stock market in the medical arena will crash! Our deranged medicine man believes he can improve on God's design. The 38,000 documented deaths from the under utilized VAERS system over three years which in reality is only capturing less than 5% of the deaths that occur is not only the only source of great harm to our citizens. Lost a dear friend this January from C-Diff which infects 500,000 Americans per year or more that are hospitalized and 30,000 or more die.
How medical treatment is managed is controlled by the almighty dollar and not via rational health initiatives that include prevention and reversal of disease states. When my Senator Durbin defends the status quo and states RFK Jr. is not qualified, he is just the messenger boy for the Big Medicine complex including Big Pharma that does want their cash cows to disappear! I also believe our insurance companies are not up front with how many of their policy holders have died over the last three years because of the RNA and faulty medical treatment. If they do, their stock will tank. I pray that Bobby is confirmed and is not side tracked. I have lost too many good friends from the current medical paradigm! WE must change course to preserve the human race!
I got C Diff, and boy did that suck, incredible cramps and bathroom runs every 30 minutes. It kicked in, while I was traveling, 3 weeks after a course of a strong antibiotics. When I got home the gastroenterologist couldn’t see me for a week. So I bought the mother mode of probiotics and felt totally sumptom free 2 days later. Thank you VSL3, the probiotic I took. Doc said 60% of his C Diff patients got it from antibiotics. But no one prescribes pro biotics.
Superbug (Clostridium difficile) Infections strongly associated with low vitamin D - many studies