Peeling the Onion
Day by day, Layer by layer, this gain of function Covid virus preplanned catastropic event is being exposed.
Each day brings new relevations about what has transpired since it was announced in January 2020 that the world was experiencing a global pandemic that would cause millions of deaths. In retrospect, it is becoming clear that the motivation was preplanned and not from a natural occurance. Also, the directed mandated solution has harmed more humans that is being recognized.
The following was published by Dr. Malone about the origin of the Covid. Pay special attention to the memo’s from Major Joseph Murphy who worked in DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) and DIRO (Directorate Information and Records Officer). The question is if this is designed to put the blame on China and ignore Fauci’s and Eco Health gain of function plans are the root cause?
DARPA involvement: Military Link
The second article discusses Pfizer’s role that is not generally known to the public as well as myself, that they have been injecting animals which are the source of meat for humans with mRNA injections prior to this Covid crisis. The question I can’t answer is what is the impact on humans when the meat is consumed, especially if it is consumed under cooked.
Over 50 years ago, they discovered that when DES was used as a growth hormone in cattle that it caused cancer in humans if you consumed red meat that was undercooked on a regular basis. A friend at work did just that and died young of stomach cancer. DES was removed from the market, and Eli Lilly was held responsible for the cancer deaths of female off spring of mother’s who were prescribed DES. We again are in uncharted waters and the outcome of medicine man playing God with our genome is not truly known. A major mistake could wipe out all animals and leave the earth green. Will surely take care of global warming. The mRNA approach to treating the Covid is a prime example of reckless disregard for human life.
Pfizer's et al Animal mRNA injection program
We need more whistleblowers to be brave enough to come forward, or we will continue to be told lies and half truths and be given misdirection to perptuate the push to create nano drug injections that reprogram cellular function and bypass and trick the immune system. Fauci's clone is now broadcasting the narrative that 200,000 Americans would not have died if it wasn't for the unvaccinated. Shifting blame from the planners to the unvaxxed is hubris at it's finest. No mention of how many died from the Fauci Medical protocol as well as the injections themselves. If the truth was known, it would probably exceed the risk of dying from the man made virus. I lost a friend who was an early recipient of Fauci Fatal protocol in 2020. Their deniel of early treatment with simple safe drugs cost many their lives. Canceling the use of monocolonal antibodies added to the carnage. DC is a medical clown college that has no soul.
The silence from the majority of our congressional leadership in stopping this massive crime against humanity which has the biowarfare aspect as well as the profit motive of Big Pharma just contines to dominate, without any regard to the great harm that has been created and will be created if we don’t stop it now. Save our children!
My thoughts for the day.
Thomas A Braun RPh
Learning Motivation needs more whistleblowers to be brave enough to come forward, or we will continue to be told lies and half truths and be given misdirection to perptuate the push to create nano drug injections that reprogram cellular function and bypass and trick the immune system. Fauci's clone is now broadcasting the narrative that 200,000 Americans would not have died if it wasn't for the unvaccinated. Shifting blame from the planners to the unvaxxed is hubris at it's finest. No mention of how many died from the Fauci Medical protocol as well as the injections themselves. If the truth was known, it would probably exceed the risk of dying from the man made virus. I lost a friend who was an early recipient of Fauci Fatal protocol in 2020. Their deniel of early treatment with simple safe drugs cost many their lives. Canceling the use of monocolonal antibodies added to the carnage. DC is a medical clown college that has no soul.