It has been known for a number of years that China's and India's drug manufacturing is at great risk for contamination of the drugs they produce for US consumption. I have read FDA inspection reports on China or Indian sources that should have shut down the drug manufacturer for not following GMP's, but it is not happening. Most generics (90%) come from these two countries because they are low-cost producers and that is where the money is for the drug manufacturers. In addition, the name brand drugs are also produced there for the Big Pharma companies. Zantac was removed from the market over a year ago because it was contaminated with cancer causing impurities in their drug. Go to to learn more.
When this first came to light when President Trump was in charge, he encouraged Kodak to enter the drug manufacturing process. Knowing that there is great risk of having essential drugs denied US citizen from these countries for a variety of reasons. Immediately, he was strongly criticized for this action. Kodak still says they are going to go into drug manufacturing, but no specific news yet.
Pfizer via the FDA now is recalling BP pills manufactured in Germany, which does not address where the raw materials for the drug are sourced from. They are contaminated with cancer causing chemicals that we have known about for several years. Their Lots go back to the year 2019. Unfortunately, they have not been doing their due diligence to ensure their drugs are not contaminated. Here is the FDA notice:
FDA MedWatch - Quinapril Hydrochloride and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets by Pfizer: (
Pfizer has paid billions of dollars in fines for their lapses in not following the FDA guidelines. There are no criminal prosecutions, and only civil monetary penalties that they can afford. Does not prevent them to continue on without regard to negative outcomes from their drugs that are being ignored by management.
They got the FDA to agree with them that they should not release all their research studies on the mRNA nano drug injections that reprogram cellular function. A lawsuit overruled that decision and below is a list of over 1000 different adverse reactions experienced by their test subjects produced by the mRNA injections. Part of the research is to find the proper dose that lowers the side effect profile.
Apparently, a 1% side effect profile is acceptable to Pfizer management but tell that to the family that lost a loved one or has to care for a family member that has been permanently handicapped.
There is NO doubt in my mind that the risk of side effects from the mRNA injections put millions of people at risk. Immediate side effects may only have affected 2 million people OF THE 200 MILLION WHO GOT THE JAB in the past year, but a portion of them died immediately (real deaths are projected at 100,000 to 200,000 by some experts) from anaphylactic shock and etc that is listed in the compendium of over 1000 side effects recorded, just in the test groups that Pfizer used. Click to see the list and put on 400% magnification to read it.
pfizer-side-effects-list-release.jpg (1442×2048) (
That is not the major concern I have. It is the concern that each addition jab degrades the immune system's ability to fight infections and further alters cellular function. Brain, Heart, and Lung function especially. The development of ADE (Adverse Disease Enhancement) is the real concern when those jabbed are reinfected with a pathogen. Secondly, the impact on heart function and development of cancers are still not clearly known. Here is a update from a English Physician Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is "Murder" (
Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is "Murder"
ONE MILLION + VIEWS - CONGRATULATIONS FROM TEAM BNT Comments were hacked and had to be turned off. (All had been turned on but many including Dr Coleman's responses were removed). Out of our control I am afraid.
Thomas A Braun RPh The path to GOOD Health is Good Nutrition including ample Vitamin D over 50 ng's and void of toxins from the food supply, drugs/injections and the environment, coupled with exercise and mind body harmony. I call it N2E+ for Life.