The Chinese invented the Chinese water torture or a "dripping machine is a mentally painful process in which cold water is slowly dripped onto the scalp, forehead or face for a prolonged period of time. The process causes fear and mental deterioration in the subject. The pattern of the drops is often irregular, and the cold sensation jarring, which causes anxiety as a person tries to anticipate the next drip. This form of torture was applied slowly over time to get the results wanted. Water boarding on the other hand was more expedient.
In a similar fashion, today we have chemicals that we consume daily that create physical harm internally with chronic consumption. The FDA has approved artificial sweeteners over the years without demanding long term studies to make sure they are harmless.
There are over 100 Fast Food chains in America that provide artificial sweetners to their guests. Totally, there are over 200,000 outlets! The most popular sweetners are:
Pink: Sweet and Low. Taste like sugar, sweet with a slight chemical after taste and low on calories. Contains saccharin. Lauched after World War II in the US.
Blue: Equal. Sweet like sugar and is most popular in Diet Pop consumed by millions and millons daily because of the false belief you don’t gain weight. Contains aspartame which was not approved by the FDA for 6 years until they replaced the Director with a Political appointee (Dr. Arthur Hayes) who knew it was his job to get it approved. Is reported to be addictive and is reported to be a excitotoxin that causes over stimulation of brain function.
For the whole story: Click here: Excitotoxin
Yellow: Splenda. J & J brought the product to the retail market over 20 years ago, and was fought by the sugar industry to stop the availability. Sugar lost, and after only about 10 years, J & J sold the brand for $300 million dollars. It was found to be stable for baking and is used today beyond a sweetener for drinks. Also found in many other food and drug productproducts because it is cheaper than sugar and reduces the cost of production. There are reports that it is inflammatory in the GI tract and causes inflammation and allows other toxins that are not normally absorbed to cause harm.
Here is what one research study has concluded:
These new findings of metabolism of sucralose in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and its accumulation in adipose tissue were not part of the original regulatory decision process for this agent and indicate that it now may be time to revisit the safety and regulatory status of this organochlorine artificial sweetener.”
For the whole story: Click here:
The health issues involving the GI tract have continued to become a growing malady being experinced by millons and millions of Americans. Irritable Bowel Syndrome and many more GI health issues have developed. Are we a experiencing an American version of the Chinese Water Torture by chronically consuming these artificial sweeteners?
White: Sugar! Consumption of sugars in the US diet has about doubled from 75 pounds per year to over 150 pounds. A leading cause of the development of Diabetes.
Unfortunately, the answer has been to turn to artificial sweeteners. Are we healthier because of this? You decide.